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Rob's picture

Jetblack Rob

Rob after the first two laps. I may look dirty, but this is spotless in comparison to what would come later.

Rob's picture

Lisdale Rob

What riding 60+ kilometres in 30-40 degree heat (max'd at 41C that day I believe) will do for you Eye-wink

Take a closer look if you dare Eye-wink

Lisdale Salt Lake

Rob's picture

Lisdale Salt Lake

What riding 60+ kilometres in 30-40 degree heat (max'd at 41C that day I believe) will do for you Eye-wink

Rob's picture

Winners are Grinners!

The highest placed NoBMoB team (of 3).

Buck's picture

Hard Core Rob

Hard core Rob showing off his new scars

pikey's picture

Angry Doctor: Rob....Oh Dear not again!

As I parked my bike at the 80km check point I heard my name being called out, Greg,,,, Greg,,,,I thought I know that voice. Looking around, nothing. Looked further to find Rob resting behind the food table using a branch as a pillow.... the rest you can see in my blog.

Caro's picture

Rob at the 'End'

Best Mountain Bike