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big hills
Can anyone suggest some good places for some hill training on a trail of some sort?
Something that will have a good 5-10 minute climb on dirt.
I live near the city so can access most places in a comparable time.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
Quarry Road Track
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
End of Stewart Ave, Hornsby
There's basically four sections to this out and back firetrail: Great downhill (Anderson's style) descent that lasts forever, that gets down to a beautiful bridge. Then followed by an equally forever uphill (the erosion on some of the tarseal doesn't help) when we come to a campground. That's before hitting the steepest bit of all, which goes forever. Things start to get a bit easier, as it's only small inclines and declines for 3km before the Quarry Road gate. After turning around, we go off to the left fork at the campground for more small ups and downs.
Lake Woodford
At a Glance
Lake Woodford's surrounds have recently been opened to riders and walkers, meaning we can now access a bunch more firetrail in the mid mountains. Note: There is no legal access to the dam - no swimming!