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schwalbe double defense - mission impossible
okay, admitting defeat on this one. been trying to set up a tubeless wheel with a brand new racing ralph, the double defense version, and it just won't pop the bead.
i've been through two RRs before, one tubeless version and one evolution line. both of them i could just pump up with my track pump as if they had a tube in them. love the tyre, so this time i thought i'd go for the thicker sidewalls of the double defense line.
big mistake as it turns out.

fitting tight tyres
Trying to fit a new Schwalbe Nobby Nic Tubeless tyre onto a Bontrager Race Lite tubeless rim and I can get one sideof the tyre on but the bead on the other side is impossible to get over the rim. I tried soapy water and plastic tyre levers with no luck. Anyone have any suggestions?

Schwalbe Direction advice
Hope you all had a great XMAS and are looking forward to 2010 (i just can't wait to see the end of 2009).