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Bike park Ku-ring-gai

Ku-ring-gai Unstructured Recreation Strategy - please comment!
A heads up to all those wanting to work for better trails in the area: Ku-ring-gai council have their Unstructured Recreation Strategy out for comment. Please take a couple of minutes to have a look and comment (not here - I mean in an email to the council) with your support.
Comments on the document should quote reference number S06520 and be directed to [email protected] or post to: The General Manager, Ku-ring-gai Council, Locked Bag 1056, Pymble NSW 2073
Just a quick, "I enjoy mountain bike riding in the area and fully support and encourage the council in their plans for better facilities for mountain bike riders." is enough
Submissions close 16 September 2010
More details on the link below, but briefly:
As part of a commitment to transparent and participatory decision making, Ku-ring-gai Council is seeking comment from the community on the draft Unstructured Recreation Strategy.
The strategy was developed to meet the following aims and to:
- Address current and future unstructured recreational activities undertaken within community land, such as walking, cycling and rock climbing, particularly within the Ku-ring-gai Bushland Reserve System;
- facilitate planning by addressing key infrastructure within the council area, which is not addressed by the Open Space Strategy;
- provide clear restrictions, permissible uses and guidelines for these activities, including the responsibilities of different user groups when utilising shared or multiple use facilities;
- provide guidance to bushland management and booking processes for relevant activities.
There are already some good trails in this area and I'd encourage everyone to write in and supporting this strategy to ensure these are not removed and also to encourage council to work with local riders for more of the same
Council link here with full document, and some taster maps from said document attached.

Planning for a bike park in Ku-ring-gai
Got this from the council and thought that by posting it here we could get some additional feedback to the council.
Hi all
Council currently has an opportunity to obtain a professional concept design for a off road bike playground.- ( BMX/Mountain Bike)
The most suitable area council has identified is off the end of Golden Jubilee Oval, Esk Street Wahroonga and the old quarry at the end of Clissold Road Wahroonga, both at the bushland edge.......
If you would like to share you knowledge on community needs, please get back to me prior to me engaging the planners who would create Ku-ring-gai's off road cycling playground concept.
I'd be happy for a phone chat or reply in email.
Mary-Lou Lewis
Environmental Levy Natural Areas Program Leader
Ku-ring-gai Council