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tracks in declared wilderness
If possible I would like advocates and riders to avoid engaging with NPWS concerning riding on tracks in wilderness.
My reasoning is that in the Wilderness Act, provision was made to include "self-reliant" recreation as an objective of declared wilderness. When this was done, the intention was to exclude 4WDs, motorcycles & horses. Canoeing and cycling were not meant to be shut out, in recognition of low impact and compatibility with wilderness values.

Mountain Bikers and Wilderness zones
Poaching the link from rotorbrun
An interesting read about mountain bikers and wilderness.
A bit of back ground Wilderness zones in the USA are currently no go for anything but self powered exploration. For some reason MTb falls outside this and is considered mechanical transport (“propelled by a nonliving power source.) however horse riding is allowed.
In NSW wilderness zones are similarly self powered. MTB is allowed on official maintenance trails and other trails (We're talking fire trail here)with the expressed permission from the Head ranger/