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Relief for AU retail & LBS's in particular?
Hi everyone,
I work for an online retailer registered in AU but not in the cycling industry*
you might all be kind of interested in this.
Its about giving AU retail a level playing field.
Our friend Joe wants to reduce the tax threshold for overseas online purchases. I read somewhere that, or someone on this forum once told me that, retail here in AU employs about 40% of the AU workforce.
So there is plenty of votes for Joe & Tony in this.

How the bike industry works
Reposting from my nobmob blog as I think this deserves to get a wider airing.
This is an interesting Wordpress article series I came across yesterday surfing from site From what I read here it looks to me like the current phase of structural adjustment in the bicycle market with the rise and rise of on-line selling seems to me to be in large part due to the bicycle manufacturing industry's own poor inventory management practices. It also confirms what many of us suspected about the supply chain.
Read on to see what I mean: