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Appin night ride Wednesday night

string's picture

Appin night ride this Wednesday night anyone?

Wednesday, 4 April, 2012 - 19:30
Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

North end of Burke St, Appin. There's a small parking area here at the trail head.

Note that the map shows Market Street connecting Appin Rd to this location but that is actually a firetrail and will not work for drivers who should take King St (next block South) and enter from there.

-34.200985,150.792578 (North end of Burke St, Appin)

Its been far too long since I rode Appin (actually 2 long days LOL).
Anyone fancy a night ride Wednesday evening?.
Im coming out from Earlwood so will be there 7.30pm.
Please confirm by 5pm here or SMS 0403 922 942

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