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Recording Routes EGDE 500
I have an Garmin Edge 500 and I was curious if it is possible to record route that I have rode, for example if I did a circuit at Forsyth Mills can the Edge record this route and then could I use the “Course” function to use this information for navigation?
Am help on this would be great. I understand you can plot routes on various web-based packages and then export them as TCX file which can be loaded on to the device. I find this a struggle with trails though as they are typically obscured by trees or it is near impossible to resolve the track.

Garmin mount alternative
Saw this little beauty called the barfly. It seems like a great idea to get the edge off the stem/bar and out in front.
Not so good on a mtb but would be fantastic on the roadie.
[Mod. moved to Geek Gear]