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Manly Dam more trail clearing
We've received more advice from Warringah Council regarding further fire trail work by RFS/SCS on the Allambie side of the Dam. The section of trail between Monserra Rd and Nyrang Rd is actually a fire trail and forms part of the protection zone for homes in Southern Cross Way. It's not the same classification as the Curl Curl Ck fire trail so wont get quite the same treatment. Work will include brush trimming to allow vehicle access and may also include some earthworks. Weather permitting the work should be oompleted by mid November.

RFS / NPWS Hazard Reduction Burns
The NPWS & RFS have a number of Hazard reduction burns planned for this weekend, some starting today.
Following on from the burns during the week and last weekend at Seaforth Oval & The Sydney Academy of Sports on the Wakehurst Parkway they are looking to take advantage of the recent spell of dry weather and run a number of burns. These are scheduled to start tonight at Deep Creek and tomorrow at Wirrenda Creek. These shouldn't affect the usual riding spots, but there may be effects from the smoke.