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Found a commuter front / helmet light on muppets this morning.
Describe it and prove it’s yours and I’ll get it to you.

FOUND: Set of keys
Today (12.7.2017), I found a set of keys at the start of the service road that runs alongside the Great Western Highway from Barnet St, Glenbrook.
If you think these may be yours, I have handed them into Springwood Police Station.

Lost Garmin
Lost my Garmin Edge 810 on the St Ives Single Track on Sunday 13/9 at 5pm. Have found the bracket ties but someone has picked up the device. Have posted signs in the vicinity which i will remove after 1 week. Thanks all.
Signs taken down this afternoon. Still not returned.

Lost rear light- Manly dam/Honeycomb track
Hi All,
I lost my rear flasher this morning somewhere on Manly Dam or maybe on the honeycomb track linking dreamtime firetrail to seaforth oval. It is/was a Smart lunar R2 light, and from memory had non-rechargeable energizer batteries inside...
If anyone happens to find it please PM me or post up on here so i can make arrangements (hopefully) to collect.
Thanks in advance.

FOUND - Sunglasses at Awaba
I found a pair of sunglasses at Awaba the other week. They were a metre or so off the track in the bushes and looked like they had been there for some time. They are Adidas A166 Terrex. If you think they are yours, message me on here with a description and we'll sort out getting them back to you

Found - Sunnies on Possums Sunday 5th Jan
I found a pair of sunnies riding Possums Sunday afternoon around 4pm.
PM me the details is you lost a pair and I will get them back to you.

Found a front wheel a while ago at a manly dam parking spot, when down there to ride with a mate.
Left a note and took the wheel, after we had done a couple of laps. My mate took it home with him and we expected for the owner to contact him.
Just spoke to him on the phone and we remembered it, turns out it hasn't been picked up.
So, if you lost a front wheel in this area a little while ago, and can describe it to me, send me a pm.....cheers LL

FOUND: Topeak computer
Found at Menai this afternoon.
Let me know if you or someone you know has lost one.

Stolen Bikes Found
We found a couple of stolen bikes that had been dumped in the bush near Condover Reserve. One was a new Merida hardtail and the other was a fixie. They are at Dee Why police station if you want to claim them.