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New sole protectors
They have been needing it for a while but today finally got round to changing the sole protectors on my Northwave Carbon shoes.
Small explanation - this was probably needed after 9-10 months of riding to be honest, but only wear these shoes when I ride the Rush and it hasn't been out for some time due to injury and wanting the comfy chair (the Yeti) on the first rides back.
Anyhow, here's some interesting (to some ) pictures on the kind of damage Crank Bros Eggbeaters can do to carbon soles.

Sole Protectors from CRC
Dear all,
If anyone is putting in a CRC offer any time soon, any chance I could get a couple pairs of sole protectors please:
Red, Gold, Clear seem to be available at the mo. Pick any 2 of these as I like surprises

DIY Shoe Shields
The shoe shields protecting my Northwave Carbon shoes are almost worn out so figure it's time for some new ones. You know - shoe shields - protection plates that sit between the cleat and shoe to stop crank bros eggbeater pedals damaging the sole of your fancy carbon shoes.
Anyhow - I have some thin aluminum lying around and wondered how easy it might be to make some though.
A quick Google found someone else has had the same idea:

Clipless pedal choice
Hi there
I've got a new bike on order and it doesn't come with pedals so I need to make a choice about what clipless pedal to get for it.
I currently ride using Shimano M520 SPDs and they have worked fairly well over the last year or so. However I seem to be pulling out of these pedals more frequently now even with new cleats and more tension dialled in. Perhaps the pedal mechanism is wearing away?