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FOX Servicing
These days local bike shops can replace seals on FOX shocks & forks but that's it. Anything else needs to be done by the importer Sola Sports.
A couple of weeks ago I was at my local bike shop, Velocipede at Parramatta, and told them my shock needed to go to Sola and asked what the quickest turnaround would be as I've heard nightmare stories of delays and every day my shock is away is a day I can't ride...

Front Fox shocks - leak?
I have a relatively new Specialized stumpjumper. (approx 100km on it).
I noticed this afternoon the pressure in the front forks was super low.
On the left hand front shock I could feel a slight lubricant.
Wondering if this is a leak? I am new to the shock system and thus wondering what this might be?
I have since pumped up the shock and tested for rapid drop in pressure. I did notice it would drop about 5 psi after pumping the front fork about 10 - 20 times.
Any advice, thoughts etc would be appreciated.