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Ming, mud and lunch.
On the penultimate day of our family holiday to China, I was finally allowed out for a bike ride. It was led by an expat Aussie, Tim, who runs a cycle tours business in Beijing, and the four was made up by my BIL Rob who lives in Beijing, and his neighbour Reece.
Reece is also an addicted MTBer and had dragged a collection of bikes with him from Canberra. Thus he could lend Rob and I a hardtail each. We spent a pleasant afternoon before the ride doing maintenance and set-up.

riding tours of mont blanc
Has anyone done a mtb tour of Mont-Blanc. I'm currently in Europe for a few months - lucky me - and I thought that I'd try my hand at what is supposed to be one of the great ride areas in the world. There seems to be heaps of company's offering rides and so I was after some advice on which to pick. I'm currently looking at a 3 countries 6 or 7 dayer which is run by a UK outfit - but ?? Any help would be greatly appreciated - before I take the plunge. After XC / Enduro not pure downhill as the lefty just won't handle it.