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woftt's blog

Capital Punishment 50k
Wow!!! is all I can say. Best race so far in terms of track and event. The single track through Majura was simply awesome as was the switch back climb and the luge downhill sections of Stomlo. Lots of variety including some road and firetrail make this a true adventure. My time was a little disappointing but I have never ridden Stomlo before so I was pacing myself for the final climb. At the beginning of Stomlo I crashed in some thick sand and remove some skin from my knee, but despite having no water left I managed to stave off cramps, climb and finish.

What a Circus!
Much harder than I thought or more likely a complete absence of any training. ##@%%$#%$@$#

Damn Tyres!!!
Never use 4 year old (well used) tyres when competing in an endurance event. I managed to blow out the front tyre wall with just 10k to the finish. I had to walk home and nearly came last. Grrrrr......

Dirtworks number 2 - smelly but satisfied
Seems to be a common theme with my mishaps at Dirtworks. This year I managed to run over some dog poo 5 min before the start. I was at the back of the pack trying to rub my tyres through long grass and swill in a large puddle. That wasn't working so I ended up with a stick trying to get the big bits off when the starting gun went off. Still I had a good ride, lots of fun and managed to better my time by some 15 mins.
Aiming for sub 03:00 in 2011.

Dirtworks - 1st attempt
1st attempt - not a good look crashing in front of the portable toilets just before the start due to not pre-adjusting my new pedals and cleats. I am sure this set the scene for more trouble. Running out of water, severe cramp and nearly dropping my beer on the finish line in front of a rather large crowd of "already ridden my 50 buddy" fit MTBer's. Hey but what fun!

Perimeter and Long Trail
I have been riding P & L regularly since early Dec 2010 in preperations and training for some enduraces in 2011. It's a great track for pumping out some speed. Current time from Nerang Ave out to the end of Long Trail and back is 69 min. I hope to improve on this.
Watch out for Brown Snakes!!!

Gym Bike!
with all this crap weather lately I have chosen to stick to the gym. All the decent trails are either waterlogged or closed. I have ventured up to Oxford Falls for a bit of DH / Free riding as it has good drainage and the return walk back up the hill are good for my fitness.
If this weather continues I will have to learn how to program the Gym bike to add in hills. Perhaps some spin classes or maybe some road riding would be good.
Got to get fit for the Wild Wollembi 60k next month..........

Past Events: Highland Fling 2008
First 100k Event - OMG!!! Was in a world of pain with cramps.
no training - I need to train.
Start with 50k events and build toward longer events.
[Mod. linked to event]