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Perimeter and Long Trail

I have been riding P & L regularly since early Dec 2010 in preperations and training for some enduraces in 2011. It's a great track for pumping out some speed. Current time from Nerang Ave out to the end of Long Trail and back is 69 min. I hope to improve on this.
Watch out for Brown Snakes!!!
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Yeah, this ride is good for that endurance training. There are a couple of 'hot laps' at Terrey Hills you might like to record your times for. If you make an entry each ride it builds into a handy record of how you improve, and how you compare with others around here.
Check out:
Terrey Hills - Echunga Road to Long Trail Lookout & Return
Terrey Hills - Perimeter + Long Return
When you want more distance, add on Duck Hole + Centre before/after (or both!)
Thanks Rob
some pretty quick times. Something to aim at.
We have been looking for an add-on. Will check out Duck Hole next ride.
To add more to Perimeter & Long you could also look at heading straight on at the Long turnoff and doing Cullamine/Booralie trail then do Long on your way back. You can also make a nice loop around the whole area if you join up some of the trails South of Booralie road.
Thanks - yes I dropped over to the Cullamine a few rides back and although it was a bit sandy it was still a good add on. The hills back were a good challenge. All these tracks are great but they certainly play's havoc with the chain. Can't seem to get mine clean without using degreaser and even then its still grinds a little. Anybody know what that Muck off is like? Is it a gimmick?