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Kowalski 100 - A Classic Indeed
Super race at the Kowalski Classic yesterday. A huge mental effort to take on so much single trail and pretty happy to finish 2nd in Grand Masters.
I was really looking forward to this event after having possibly my best ride to date at the race last year only to have a ripped sidewall near the finish and also to follow up from victory at the Convict last month. Lead up was good but also a little unsettled after a bump on my dodgy arm during the week.

Highland Fling 2014 - It doesn't get any easier
Well that is the Fling for another year, and as is the usual theme it is a massive day. Being the last marathon race of the season the lead up seems much bigger than for other events. Training had been excellent and after putting in a close to best ever ride at the Kowalksi Classic I was looking forward to a strong performance and to achieve some new highs.

2013 Highland Fling
Well I have been counting down to the Fling for what seems an eternity and was very pleased with preparation. Inspiration was not only coming from the impressive riding from the other SXC lads, but also wanted to erase the memory of not finishing well last year.
A cool day for the race was good in my book, taking dehydration out of the picture. But standing in the cold drizzle at the start chute, we cringed a little thinking ahead of the 100 milers heading out for their second loop of Wingello and wished for ourselves that rain would hold off till after the finish.

2013 3 Ring Circus
This was my first attempt in the 3 Ring Circus and was not sure what to expect. Previous years I had been soft with the prospect of mid winter conditions and having my mindset biased towards the full marathon events. But 2013 was time to have a crack and set a target time of 2:20. There was plenty of fast competition so the plan was to try and hold on to the early pace and not to blow up in the process.

Convict 100
What can I say, it was almost a perfect day !
I hadnt been able to get out for a big training ride with the group, and had done a single ride on GNR in the lead up. From the pre-ride it seemed many of the lines in technical sections had changed or even gone, and I had noted the reports of the condition of Jacks Track. I wanted to continue to improve on result from last year and was motivated with the impressive riding from the other boys in our riding group.
Anyhow, just a quick summary

Willo Enduro
After entering this event last year it was always going to get me back again. And what a stellar day it was on the Wingello trails with conditions about as good as it gets. The single track grip was awsome, the fire roads were mostly at a good tempo and plenty of good spirits shared by all the riders.

2012 Fling
I was really looking forward to this event after a good preparation and having crossed the finish line in 2011 feeling like a million dollars. Training schedule had been tweaked from previous races which seemed to work well and was hoping for a decent improvement on last years time. Of course there was the last minute nerves when broke the rear derailler hanger on friday night doing some last minute tinkering, but all sorted with some great nobmob support.

Husky Mud
This was my first entry for the Husky and I was a little tentative about the event following the reported 2011 mudfest and other issues. However, I was pleasantly surprised and the event centre facilties worked well, track marking was good and lots of friendly volunteers out on the trail. The single track sections were the highlight of the race and I would like to ride them some more. That then brings us to the mud. I am simply not a mudlark and struggled to keep up the pace and keep the attitude positive.

Convict 100
I was always looking forward to this race. The Dirtworks/Convict was my first enduro and is also is my favorite. And great to line up with lots of other keen mobbers....even when the form is getting pretty hot !

Capital Punishment 100
Well the plan was not to enter this race, but changed my mind with the race talk going around and the conditions looking good. Ended up getting an 11th hour transfer and was not disappointed.
The course was great and managed to keep a good pace most of the time after my usual slow start. Sure was hard pushing through Majura after not eating snacks through single trail and waiting for the untimed section. Definitely a unique experience having such a long break through the untimed section, was good to refuel but funny how it felt colder than at the start line.