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ae93gti's blog

25km of fun?
Well, that was interesting.
Had been doing some longer rides of late, nothing fast, but 40 - 75km rides around the place so thought I should be ok here lung, heart and legwise.
Took off and tried to stay with some friends, that lasted about 2km until I started getting uncomfortable twinges in the back. I also found my heart rate was way up too, felt ok but was a bit surprised.

RealBike Insurance MTB Cruise
Report on my first "race"
Drove down Fri afternoon hoping to get a bit of time to go for a ride. Left home about 12pm, it started spitting about Campbelltown then got heavier and heavier. Driving into Canberra was down to about 80-90 in the 110 zone because it was so heavy.
Drove straight up to Mt Stromlo and it was not as heavy, but it obviously had been. Scrapped the ride but waited until 6pm and registered.
Off to hotel, have dinner, watch tele, crash.