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25km of fun?

Well, that was interesting.
Had been doing some longer rides of late, nothing fast, but 40 - 75km rides around the place so thought I should be ok here lung, heart and legwise.
Took off and tried to stay with some friends, that lasted about 2km until I started getting uncomfortable twinges in the back. I also found my heart rate was way up too, felt ok but was a bit surprised.
Backed off, let a few people past and kicked on at a more leisurely pace. I then set my expectations to try and get in before the 50km leaders came through, only missed by 2. Most of the race I was by myself thinking, am I on the right track, then reassuringly I'd see a marker. About 5km from the end my back was getting uncomfortable and while I couldn't push too hard, often it was easier to ride up some of the tricky bits than to walk and try to manhandle bike up. Pushed as hard as I could in the last km, crossed the line and caught up with mates. Couldn't straighten up until I'd stretched a bit, grabbed a sausage sandwhich, got some panadol from St Johns and had a seat.
Really liked the track, it was quite technical in parts which made it enjoyable and does make the kms pass quickly. It was quite rocky and rough, I had a cramp twinge in my arm last night! I understand why there were a few otbs, there were quite a few spots for that to happen. Thankfully not for me for a change. Hope no one is seriously hurt. There was one section (about 20km I think) which I was temtped to stay and watch to see if anyone rode up it. It was steep and loose soil with many footsteps, I'm guessing most walked up.
At no point was I swearing or cursing about the track, race or mountain biking in general. What it did make me think though (about 5km in) was I need to do quite a bit exercise to build up some decent core muscles. I beleive I had the lungs and legs for 2 laps, perhaps more, but there was just no way my back could have coped with that, glad I didn't sign up for the 50km.
So last night I get a sore throat and this morning I wake up at 4am with a massive headache and blocked nose, now I understand why my HR was up yesterday, had been starting to get a cold.
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Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. This racing gig's fun, eh? I always come back from these things with a massive lift in my skills and fitness.
Like you though, my lower back is my limiter. I did 30km around Kiwarrak yesterday and the back protested a bit from toime to time until I took to periodically stepping off the back to let my SIJ's "reset" - and I had to soft pedal the flats so I could keep something in reserve for the climbs.
I'm seeing a physio in North Sydney who is doing a good job. I just need to do my bit and stay on the wagon with the exercise program. I came good at The Mont thanks to his help, but getting the flu after the school hols and being confined to bed for most of 10 days including a late night trip to A&E means I'm starting over, both with cardio fitness and core strength.
I've registered for the BYBF 50km and am hoping to be strong enough for the 100 in time to be able to upgrade.
I really like the whole MTB racing thing cause unless you're at the pointy end, it has a really friendly feel to it and while we're all "racing" there's generally a good bit of chat etc going on.
Yep, the old soft pedal also works for me and changing down a gear or two from normal and strangely sitting on the bike is more comfortable than pushing up a hill, unless of course I don't have the skills to ride up in which case there's no choice.
That sounds awful, I'm hoping this cold won't turn into anything more sinister, get better soon.
I have also entered for the BYBF except I just went the whole hog and am doing the 100km. I figured if I entered the 50km, subconciously I'd train for 50km. Family are going to come and we'll spend a couple of days up there.
One lesson I did learn fairly early on yesterday, not all mtb km are the same, i.e. as it was so technical it was a lot harder and slower, not to mention working different muscles. My only other comparison was the 50km at Capital Punishment and as someone mentioned somewhere here, that was a walk in the park compared to the Rock Wallaby.
Still, I will be back next year after all the pain, hopefully 10kg lighter which could be all the difference......