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ChopStiR's blog

6th time lucky, finally broke the hour W2G 2015
This was my 6th Careflight Woodford to Glenbrook Classic. The last 2 years I was within a minute for braking the hour mark. This year I not only beat it but smashed it.
Usually I would start at the back of my age category. from the back the group is bottle necked and the pace is slower than I would like so this year I figured I try and start closer to the front. Somehow I managed to jag the poll position for my group next to Philip Pidgeon and Martin Wisata.
Climbing is certainly my weakness and where I would get overtaken, but I was quick to get back onto the pedal at each crest.

My First 4hr Solo event
I knew before the race even started how slippery the track could get. I got caught out in the rain while warming up for the first attempt at Wylde for the Round 1 race. But I wanted to race it anyway to see everyone sliding around for my own personal lols
I had brought 2 bikes with me as I was still undecided which bike I wanted to do the race on. My old Giant Yukon Hardtail with rim brakes running a 96er set up (29er front wheel, 26 back wheel) and my 2011 Giant Trance with dual suspension and disc brakes.

W2GC 2014
What a Cold morning, I think my ears froze as soon as I stepped out of the car at Woodford.
My only goal was to break the hour mark, last year my time was 1:00:11 so I knew I could do it.
I started at the very back of the 30-39 (Wave D). As soon as I crossed the starting line I started moving up the pack and continued to do so along the firetrail. I rode every climb at a slow and steady pace to not burn myself out and used that reserve of energy to pick my pace up at the top of each climb.

Forgot to enter last years results W2GC 2013
Looking at my past results I realised I never updated my race results for last years race. Thought I should add them in. Was so close to the hour mark.

This was my 3rd W2G
Getting ready to start I looked around and thought something was odd, it then occured to me there was a lot less riders than the Past 2 years. Looking at the results I see there was 300 less competitors than the last 2 events. 25 male riders from my catergory are DNS. The Race down at Kowen must of been something special or there was alot of people sick with the flu.
I had 2 goals at this event and 1 game plan.
Goal 1 - new PB
Goal 2 - Ride all hills
Game Plan - Team up with a fast rider after the bottom gate. I've never done this intentionally before and wanted to give it ago.

Not bad for my first enduro
Thanks to Fi, Chocolate Foot and the Gardens I managed to score a free team entry into my first ever endurance race. Im a big fella and Im proud I managed to complete 4 laps. Im sure if you were there on the day and overtook me you would remember me well.
54:22.4 (no water)

We will call it a 4min improvement.
Last year I rode 1:12:10
this year I rode 01:08:54