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What needs work at the Dam?

The Manly Dam rangers keep saying they are planning maintenance days there, with a hope that this might happen sooner rather than later think we should make a list of what needs fixing there.
Now, design issues aside, at this point let's focus on the current circuit as it stands and list where it could do with some TLC. Don't get into how you think the points should be repaired - just listing them should do for now.
Post your comments and I'll summarise here. I'll kick off with 4 points:
- Golf course sniggle: the chains are broken on a couple of boardwalks.
- Golf course sniggle: At the bottom of the second drop there's a rock platform left which one is supposed to ride up and round. Not many people do this and trail has been widened to the right.
- Golf course sniggle: After the lookout/rest rock area and first climb there's a large rock one is supposed to ride over but trail has been widened right of this.
- Approaching 19th hole: Energy Australia cleared some bushes near a power pole as you turn left and reach first boardwalk. They were meant to replace these but never did leading to trail widening by corner cutters.
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Rob, not a big one, but the first part of the Golf course sniggle (ie, before you get to the 2 foot drop) is overgrown and needs trimming. That's my value add. Mick PS: Happy to help on the day.
will have a better look when i ride it tomorrow, but always happy to lend a hand in the repairs.....
Wish i could just get in there and fix it myself...
If it were up to me I'd start with the easy things, the things nobody sane could object to - such as the places where the track now leads into danger. So for example I'd have "day one" look at the little bit of track up from the school leading into a wire fence - and just so its a full work day I'd also put the bends back in (and exaggerate them) so the track is again interesting and not just straight up.
On other days in the future I'd look at the logstacles all down Allambie, and the slippery diagonal timbers, and finally the Steps Of Death at the bottom.
After that I'd go for putting a bit of rhythm into all of the straighter sections and doing a "sustainable" drainage job while we are at it. We could claim this is to slow the traffic
Properly fixing the major drainage errors at Allambie would be pretty expensive so I suggest we let just them fail next winter after which they'll have to come up on Warringah Council's budget again, with us then in a position to advise the new design. Although we could maybe do a small pipe tunnel/bridge/launch ramp over the egregious bits where the drains actually cross the track as an interim measure.
I'd also like to redesign bits of the Wakehurst Parkway sniggle across the top to make it all-weather/sustainable for the future.
If all this gets away then we'd be in a position to look at alternative/extra track in a few sections.
Remove logs on Allambie downhill (start and middle) replace with IMBA drainage design.
Fix drainage dips section
Remove stairs to alternate location/design at Allamblie downhill finish
Widen wooden bridge after 19th hole
Remove all fire trail from the picture replace with sweet bermed, winding, tabletoped, natural obstacle filled and fun single trail
Remove all road from the picture, single trail only
Introduce IMBA signage system including directional signage.
Officiallize downhillish trail from "creek jump" to join up to allambie downhill.
Pruning of all trees using a measuring stick to keep consistent single trail width where possible.
Identify problem water spots (mostly wakehurst sniggle),rectify and at the same time keep as much flow as possible.
in my opinion if more single trail is to be introduced at the dam, world trail or similar should be contracted by the council as stated earlier to properly design the trails and increase the fun factor whilst sorting out pedestrian issues.
If the trail is to continue to be multi use then walkers must be diverted to an alternate walking track on all fast downhill sections.
This could easily be done for example with the short gated fire trail behind that connects to 19th hole which is located right next to the start of Allambie downhill
So couldn't tell you, but I'm keen to help on the matenance day if you can get'em sorted.
All good suggestions above, although I don’t know what the official position is on the the ‘creek jump’ trail, but I like how it’s a bit more secret and as such gets less exposure to the weekend hordes.
The boardwalk that leads up to the climb at the top of the Parkway is also falling to bits and the track is widening there where people try and avoid it.
I don't know the name of the section but it's the section where it's curvy and overgrown single track. It's like a tunnel and really cool but the top needs to be trimmed back because every time I ride that section I always get branches in my helmet/eye. I'd be more than happy to help do this!
And could someone tell me where this creek jump is? I'd love to give it a go...
I'd pay to watch you gap it on your unicycle.
I'm not 100% sure but by the lack of what else is around I think that's the name for the gap up at the top section that runs along Wakehurst Pkwy near the aquatic centre. When Bantry bay wasn't locked off this extension was a nice change from the typical loop. It's located here - -33.756681,151.233662 and is a beautiful part of single track that unfortunately is only a 30 second ride. The gap is quite easy but still fun compared to what the Dam has to offer.
I'm not sure where this handle part of bush fits into the scheme of legal trail but it's been there as long as I've been riding. Feel free to remove this post if it'll piss off the rangers.
+1 for unicycle gap, post a vid up and you'll get a billion(or close to it) you tube hits:)
Probablly best to keep it low key until we make it an official trail, pm or ask a local while riding for directions to trails.
ok back to thread topic.
"D" line at 19th hole
Trail widening off to the right, off the rock.
1 - The informal B line (if that is what it is) that has recently been discussed heading off to the right at the big step ups looks like it would cut the trail short. If there is going to be a B line there it should be on the left somewhere (if possible) and make the trail longer. I think B lines work better when they are the 'long option', not the 'short option'.
2 - Signage to indicate clockwise all days except (say?) Sundays which could be anti clockwise? or some suitable day? It's common to find people unfamiliar (includes tourists) going anticlockwise and asking (while carrying up steps etc) if it goes flows better the other way.
3 - Big rocks/logs required on side of starts of boardwalks to reduce widening. Maybe fix alignment at start of some. Rehabilitate un-required sections by removing thin skin of compacted material and introducing local (like from 10m away) mulch/sticks/leaves etc which includes local seed. Do during some damp weather.
4 - Open/Closed sign at major entrances operated just like at Council Controlled Sports Fields. Surely there would be (extremely) local volunteers who would go and change the sign on request from a council officer.
5 - New Steps - Shave the corners off with a saw
6 - Get rid of that silly sign that says "riders dismount" on the uphill section along the school. Replace it with "Riders Give way to Pedestrians". I have never passed a person on that section, they walk on the other side.
7- Place chicane objects (for narrowing and horizontal flow) along that new crushed sandstone section that is nearly fire trail width and has those ditches traversing it
8 - Add appropriate dips and mild rollers (for interest and vertical flow) along that new crushed sandstone section that is nearly fire trail width and has those unsuitable ditches traversing it.
9 - Add vertical flow (small rollers) to the level sections of boardwalk to add interest. This should be pretty easy by sliding some H4 timbers under some sections.
10 - Feel good for consulting with community who will provide free assistance, experience, and expertise instead of going to consultants not selected in consultation with stakeholders.
11 - If there is a star picket used, drill a hole in it and wire it on to the picket. Uncapped star pickets are nasty.
probably goes with the 'why is there a sign that says "road ahead" '
the road ahead, indicates the off road trail finishes, so don't go looking for a non-existant trail through the scrub
and you 'dismount' as it's a footpath, and you're not allowed to 'ride' (ahem) on a footpath
yeh, just courtesy and the non-existant pedestrian traffic make it a moot point, but it's a law and you don't want it getting enforced on your ass
if the trail was built a tad further off the road into a single trail, then it would be delinieated from the pedestrian footpath area.
I think the reason it says riders dismount is due to the school traffic.
If you have ever ridden by there immediately after school hours this bit of trail ( as it is directly next to the road ) is chockers with parked cars, opening doors and wayward kids being collected after school.