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I ride like a wimp!!!

I have realised just what a sh1t scared softy I am... but while these guys may be tough... they sure are brain dead!!!
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Takes a certain breed of people that does...Like people without jobs to keep and famies to provide for!
Yep Brain dead.
Silly buggars get flown around the world and paid to ride bikes. Idiots!
That looks so much fun I would really love to be able to ride like that, but 3 lots of broken bones in a short time doing tame stuff and I thought I better chill
i sense a little sarcasm flynny
landing one attempt out of ten. Hmmm.
they do look pretty sick when they work, though, eh. I reckon I'll leave that for the young and ...
The frontal lobe part of the brain assists with risk assessment.
It's often said that the frontal lobe in the male does not fully mature till the early or mid twenties. This partially explains why young males (say under 25) don't consider the possible outcomes of their actions. Through age, and when a male's partner is pregnant, and when the children are young, the male will further increase his level of 'self-preservation'.
"One of the most common characteristics of frontal lobe damage is difficulty in interpreting feedback from the environment. Perseverating on a response (Milner, 1964), risk taking, and non-compliance with rules (Miller, 1985), and impaired associated learning (using external cues to help guide behavior) (Drewe, 1975) are a few examples of this type of deficit."
I think I could afford to lose a few .. years, and grow a real pair (I quite like the pair I have).
If I had some painkillers. and monetary incentives.
Too old for that sh!t.
You don't bounce quite as well as you ... ahem ... mature, and I got a family to support. 7 months off the trails so far from one stupid concentration lapse, although I was able to start commuting to work again (finally) this week.
1 in 10, eh? That's useful to know. I don't feel quite so lame. I'll leave that kind of stuff for those with a higher rubber content in their bones and ...brains.
If you don't try to step up to the next challenge, how will you ever improve? I'm sure these guys started at one point with the basics
To say things like "I'll never do that" suggests that you don't expect to improve whether its a double back flip or taking that harder line at the 19th hole at the dam.
Although I don't hit quite the same stunts as these guys, a huge amount of what we perceive as "too difficult" is often a mind game.
... saying never to the next challenge. But there *is* such a thing as risk management.
Once I'm cleared to ride again, I plan on doing a few races. But I'll be doing a few skills clinics first methinks. Risk is relative to skill, skill is assisted by strength and endurance yada yada...
However a 1 in ten success rate attempting that kind of stuff and the likelihood of sustaining those sorts of injuries... nnnggg... eerrrmmm... nah.
I agree with Hawkeye - "1 in ten success rate attempting that kind of stuff and the likelihood of sustaining those sorts of injuries..."
I'd love to casually stick 360's and I'm damn sure a Superman seatgrab feels unbelievable.
But I'm personally willing to leave double tail whips and superman backflips to someone else. I'm quite happy watching them succeed and I don't feel the competitive need to be better than them anymore. To be honest I'm pretty happy with the reduced amount of physio visits I make and x-rays I get these days compared to when I did have that drive in my skiing!
I love that people are pushing the boundaries and always will. Am I going to be pushing the sport's boundaries? nope. I'll stick to pushing my own boundaries these days.
And I must admit that driving friends to hospital regularly gets tiring after a while.