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Anyone interested in a bike swap?

a.brasington's picture

By a.brasington - Posted on 09 October 2009


I have a dual suspension Santa Cruz Blur XC racer, and I am looking at swapping for an equivilant value (Around 4-5k-ish) HARDTAIL XC.

Reasons for wanting to swap, is I am starting to do more enduro events and adventure racing, and I want something with better power transfer, and it is also one less thing to worry about on a long race.

The bike is quite new, probably less than 200km's on it.

Justin's picture

He must be crazy Sticking out tongue

Have you tried out a hardtail seriously? With that level of duallie XC, you might find that it actually goes faster than a hardtail.

a.brasington's picture

Yeah I have tried a hardtail out, and I just like how simplistic they are compared to dualies.

Well the idea is to swap it with something of equal level Laughing out loud So even though I am swapping this level of duallie, hopefully I will find an equally good hardtail. Smiling

hawkeye's picture


a.brasington's picture

I'll double check all the sizes and measurements and post them up.

I am looking for something like a Scott Scale 30 (2009 or something close), or something similar.

I will also sell the bike for around the 3k mark, as there are a few good deals on the web for 09 HTs.

Just to put it into perspective, the frame on this bike is worth $3400 alone, check it out on (anodized frame).

hawkeye's picture

Didn't hear back so we moved on a deal that came up two weeks ago - so no longer in the market. Sorry.

a.brasington's picture

Yeah sorry about that, was away on work.

I have put it up on various forums for around 3k or a swap, so hopefully I get some interest. Its just one of those kind of bikes that gets interest Laughing out loud

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