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Local authorities to "Stamp out the cyclist problem".

There has to be a good reason for this incident. I'm sure we don't know the full story. Outrageous that solution of local authorities is to install 61 no cycling signs opposed to investing in cycle infrastructure.
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I think the Bus Driver may of drove too close to the cyclist or even scared them by cutting them off. Why would the cyclist do something like that?
So cyclists aren't allowed in T-Way lanes but are allowed in Bus Lanes?
but i thought cadel was OS..
did he have cleats on???? cause i mite know who it is then... lol...
I'm sure there is a funny comment about the 'Final Solution' to the 'Cycling Problem'
but Magda might get upset.
Just a thought. Did the cyclist deliberately break the bus mirror or did it break when it hit him on the back of the head as he was being overtaken
The story seems pretty clear the cyclist broke the mirror.
Just goes to show everyone gets road rage.
His behaviour was totally unacceptable. Complaints, Police, whatever - but this now means that there are a lot more drivers with a poor attitude to cyclists because of this story.
But it would be frustrating having no legal way to get from A to B. Let's outsource more roads so we can be discouraged from cycling so more construction companies can profit from your driving.
A disturbing part of the story on this paid-for road is that the RTA noted 'illegal cycling'. Wow.
May have been a resolute German tourist...
Don't f*** with them... Read this:
Edit: see bottom left corner camera at 0:02 seconds: Step through the vid frame by frame and check where the shadow of the bus is, and how far away it is from the rider.
The cyclist is about as far left as he can go without rubbing his bars on the concrete, and the tail of the bus i'd estimate is roughly a metre away as it goes past his right shoulder at speed. Given that there was a second lane for bus to pass in I can understand the rider being very deeply pissed off and the accusation of the bus driver trying to run him off. It looks to me very much like the bus driver was trying to "shave" the rider into the fence to "teach him a lesson". It was completely unnecessary to pass him so close, even if he was riding where he should not have been.
No excuse for hitting the driver, though, under any circumstances.
(I drive twice as big now) and haven't used a T-Way, but it looks like it's a two way road, for two buses. there is no room for anymore
it's a T-Way, not a bus-lane - T-Way vehicles only
yep, even frame by frame, i don't think the bus shaved him too close, but the video effects from the lens might show it funny
or die trying ... every spectator is a potential point ... pity he [the cyclist] was only 38 ...
c'mon guys, i'm sure the bus driver was just rehersing to be the best driver on earth. now that's entertainment, and remember, any score is a good score!
is what I understand from other forums. And I was judging the distance by comparing his shoulder width to the gap to the bus as the shadow flicks over the rider. What I think pissed the rider off was the fact that the driver failed to wait until he was fully past him before moving left, squeezing him. Add to that the turbulence that comes off those things and the speed difference (80km/hr vs. 35-40) and the cyclist would have crapped himself.
I've had the same done to me on numerous occasions by bendy buses, and each time it absolutely scared the living daylights out of me. I thought I was going to be wiped into the gutter or parked cars. When the opportunity presented I've jumped on buses myself to rebuke the driver on his behaviour and get his licence details. I can sympathise with the cyclist's adrenalin reaction, even though hitting the old guy was the wrong thing to do.
Even though you can't condone the assault, what I saw from the youtube vid was a road bully getting exactly what he'd earned from the victim. 64 years old? Then don't start what you can't finish. I have no sympathy for the bus driver. He knew exactly what he was doing.
What is good is that I now know that cameras capture the driver's behaviour on the road, including how close they pass. I will be following up to find out whether that applies to all buses or just the bendy variety.