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Dam You - or etiquitte

Coming up to the twin rock step up Sat 7.30 am ( the one near the golf course and just before the rock garden) I caught up to a girl who had a run at the steps - most get the first one - the 2nd one is tricky. Knowing this I didn't bother as I didn't want to crash into her and walked offline to stretch my legs when some guy starts yelling "Get off the track" " I am coming through" and when the girl missed the 2nd step he basically crashed into her.
Dude - she was there first having a go - Put your manners back in!
What's the etiquette here? If I catch someone I normally will say "coming through on your Right/Left" If its clear to do so and say Thanks as I go past. I am not going to barge thru on a single track though. Riders hammering past me doesn't bother me if they do it cleanly - so what's the feeling?
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I don't have the rules here but standard rules for racing are something like this:
Rider 1> "Rider when you are ready" or "Track.... in your own time"
Rider 2 is not obliged to let the rider though, but generally does when it is safe to do so.
Rider 2> "On my Left/Right"
Rider 1> "On your Right/Left"
Rider 1> "Thanks mate"
My understanding is that there needs to be verbal acknowledgement from both parties before passing. I used this on the dam on the weekend and it worked great, which is good because lots of riders out there haven't any idea what Track means.
Yelling "Get off the track" isn't cricket at all
I don't know what the rules are, but if i hear someone behind me in a single track that sounds faster than me I pull off and stop in the first opportunity where we both fit in the trail, and i would expect the same from anyone i am passing...
Is that wrong? I know that at least once I was in the heat of the "battle" and another biker was walking the "crux" in the trail without paying attention if someone was coming behind him and i yelled him to move to the side, was it rude?
However i would not yell to someone riding, i would just wait until i see the oportunity to take him/her over or wait and give space between un to ride at my own speed and do the "trick" i want...
Riders who thinks they are hotshots on the trail must look for other places, remember manly dam is for beginners as well!
It's not like surfing where carelessness with controlling your board or positioning on the break can get people hurt.
My response as they pass would be something like "Sorry, mate. Racing in the Ego 500, are we?"
If guys like Jason English can be polite and courteous to a mobile chicane like me, this guy has no excuse.
+1 to the "when you're ready" to the guy in front, and ALWAYS a word of thanks when they let you through. Do unto others, etc...
Rider in front has right of way.
However, if someone is coming up and called track, it is good etiquette to let them past at the first safe opportunity
I had a great experience on the Scott CORC 24 hr - without exception, riders overtaking were polite, patient and usually had something nice to say on the way past!
Trails are there to share, whoever this tosser was thought he owned the trail... this lady probably got the shits... how to turn people off mountain biking.
I'm with you hawkeye.
Are we not out there as one, to enjoy the fun and fresh air. We should be encouraging one another, fair go ah!!
I say.....Go the girls!!!!!
I'll be happy to ride with them.
Wonder what he would have yelled at me on Sunday morning, splayed across the top step, unable to unclip my top leg...twitching like a demented critter and weak from laughter.
Gee the dam is easier in the daylight i'nit.
Yay go girls!
You all sound like girls!
giving you the benefit of the doubt I will suspect your comment about being 'happy to ride' with the girls was meant in a nice way - however! i would like you to know that I can actually get up the steps and as 'girls' we are no less a rider than quite a lot of you boys. (just look at V - if you can catch her).
with regards to the moron was so rude rude on the track and therefore caused the start of this thread, I am partly convinced that he would not have been so impolite to a man. However, I also wish that more people would take on the view of Mantoast as it is so nice when someone actually takes the time to say they are passing or call track when you are riding out - at the moment it seems that that sort of behaviour is reserved for 'races'... also, some men ought to realise that yes, some women CAN actually ride and no, it won't permanently bruise your ego to actaully let them pass you by or pull over so they can ride down a rock you perhaps can't manage.. god forbid hey!!!
As someone who is usually being overtaken, I have never had a problem with rude people on the trails. I usually hear someone coming and pull over or they let me know they are there. Guess this guy just thought he was more important than the others....
the universe usually takes care of these guys, while he is yelling at the lady to "get off the track" his girl friend may well be at home telling some dude to "Get on His Back"
When will everybody remember the weekend is for fun, if you want to time trial and cut loose plan a day mid week.
Luckily there are no buses on the dam to run you down when you cant unclip!!!
Maybe that bus driver should have yelled "TRACK maaaate!" as squeezed out the rider.
All my times at the dam, and its only been courteous allround.
It would be great fun to play tag with him .... pass him unceremoniously and oust him into the bushes .... then stop, adjust saddle height.
Let him pass ... continue on .... pass again .... stop adjust tyre pressure ..... on and on it goes ....
Would be bloody funny ....
Deadshit.... Karma will catch up with him.
We all seem to agree - passing is only OK when it's safe and we need to be a bit polite about it, after all we're all there for fun, eh.
Fer - I reckon you're fine, 'cause they were "walking" the crux - they would probably have been able to get out of the way, unless it was dangerous to do so.
And as for girls riding and passing - I don't reckon genitalia matters. If anyone's better than me (which is not all that hard) I'm always happy to let them pass and to try to stay with them for as long as possible to learn from their lines, their techinque, their sheer energy, etc. How else do we learn? If someone's in my way, I'll usually wait and watch / help if possible - again, I can still learn something. And if it's safe to do so, I'll pass them when I can.
SlowPup - "...twitching like a demented critter and weak from laughter." I can so relate!
BTW, it's great to see/hear/read such a bunch of supportive people. and yes, I'll get out of your way when I can.
fankles, if you can, please change your handle to 'karma' ... hehehe ... tough love, i like it, i like it a lot ... fanks ... fingers crossed you catch up with him
Cheers brother will do, he'll be easy to spot that bloke too. He'll be the one with team D...head in pride of place as a title sponsor on his jersey.
This sport needs as many cool ladies as it can get. Our sport in general is far better percieved and recieved by the general public as non extreme, sustainable and all that caper with plenty of ladies enjoying it as well.
I have a friend in HER 40's that would most likely drop that tool too, dam that'd be funny to see.
Think it's time to do that whole sleep thing again for another day...