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Highland Fling - Your Call - What's the fastest option?

jp's picture

By jp - Posted on 05 November 2009

In the final stage of the Fling there is a climb called "your call" with two options - short and steep or longer and less steep. I'm thinking I'll go for the short steep option. Does anyone else have advice on this?

Slowpup's picture

and tell us what worked. I'll be along later in the day to use your advice.

Carlgroover's picture

I think the steep option is faster but can't guarantee it, I've done both options and that's what I would be doing this year if I was doing the Fling.
Have fun Smiling

LadyToast's picture

At that stage of the race you won't even notice the option you'll be so exchausted

Well I was last year anyway Smiling

dangersean's picture

On a normal day out for a fun ride, I really like the short ooptuion as there is a fun couple of rocky step ups which I usually enjoy.

But - This Sunday after almost 110km's on a single speed hopefully averaging over 20km/h I know the legs will be smashed and as a result I will be taking the more gentle climb to the right.

I cramped liked you would'nt believe taking the short steep option last year.

jp's picture

Thanks for the advice everyone - I guess I'll see how my legs are when I get there. Good luck to all who are entering!

philberesford's picture

Looking at the elevation profile it looks like it's a 55m climb over 550m - 1:10 gradient doesn't sound all that bad does it?

I think I will ride it, will make sure a sprinkle extra nails on my Concrete Flakes™ for breaky Eye-wink

arghvee's picture

It's not necessarily the gradient, but it has a dozen or so rock ledges that can catch the unwary and weary.
If you just purge the easy route from your mind, there's no choice. Anyway, its all downhill from there !!

philberesford's picture

Then perhaps it would be easier/quicker running up then? Mountain goat style!

LadyToast's picture

I want a report of this "running" you speak of at that stage of the race mate Laughing out loud

philberesford's picture

on - lol

cambowambo's picture

I went the long way 3 years ago because I was cramping up and had to keep my legs spinning: I kept thinking everybody was passing me by going the steep way.

I went the steep way 2 years ago and powered up pretty well (I didn't find it particularly steep) but I had a constant nagging feeling that people were blasting past me on the easy way around.

I have no idea which way is faster.

I think the decision is up to your legs at that point in time - if they can do it then you probably should go the shorter route - if not go around and keep on spinning Smiling

Antsonline's picture

as long as you can ride it ok, the steep way is much faster. Even if you cramp, drag yourself to the top, and then freewheel home.

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