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Hot Laps.. any purpose?

Could someone please explain to me the actual purpose of a hot lap? I really, simply don’t get it for training purposes? ego so that people think you are quick? or for self enjoyment/satisfaction?
I find this a funny sport - first of all you have to 'get round' and once you conquer all the bits you used to walk or find hard it then seems you are supposed to ride it as fast as possible...and if you are too slow then clearly you are a 'crap rider' even if you can ride the whole lot - its odd
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Interesting question.
I'm a little ambivalent about publishing hotlaps on the site, as it could potentially harm advocacy efforts.
It implies that we are effectively engaging in unsanctioned against-the-clock racing on public trails, which may not be a good message to convey, even though 99% of us ride sensibly and with courtesy to others.
The HOHA (Hateful Old Hikers Association) could use this against us too.
Maybe the site should only publish times which were achieved on a closed course during a sanctioned event?
That's how I use it. Although I haven't posted anything on here about hot lap times, I time myself everytime I ride so that I can see how my stamina, fitness, skill, etc is progressing. Although not necessarily going all out for the fastest hot lap every time, I do know that if my hot laps are getting better then I must be improving.
Its a race for the boys christine.
It would be interesting to know how many of them actually do race reguarly at an organised club or enduro event.
I think Keeping track of them privately for Fitness/Skill progression is important (I just do this mentally, its not hard to remember an approx time)
Rude/Pushy Lycra Clad maniacs doing hot laps of the Dam is the main reason I don't ride there anymore. I would rather drive the extra hour and ride Ourimbah.
I don't think they should be publicly available on this site. (considering they aren't even official or confirmed)
If you want to prove yourself to complete strangers, do it in a race.
Everyone's love's to race and nothing beats scraming through the bush trying to get a better time. However in the past few months the hot laps pages have been used against us most notably by the NPWS and other people who misunderstand how we like to go fast and yet stay in control. So in order to keep a clean image of MTB's sustainability and responsibility shouldn't we do something about them???
I vote to keep the hotlaps to offically sanctioned to races or at least remove it from public view.
I think some of you have confused Christine's question regarding the point of a hot lap with a trail advocacy question!
READ: not every bloody topic on this site has to be about freaking trail advocacy!
Christine is asking what is it you prove by posting a hot lap, or by screaming round the dam like there is a prize at the end for you. The question was 'what do YOU get out of a hotlap?' jee-sars!
It was always designed as a place to stash your personal best times, as a training tool, pretty much exactly the same as most Polar or Garmin or whatever users can do on those sites (which are also public). I wrote the points on the intro specifically to discourage any poor behaviour on riders behalf - you don't own the trail, be courteous and don't upset people when on your training ride.
Hi Blondie
Personally I use the hot laps feature to compare my fitness to others, and I like the competition as I'm sure a lot of people do. For all the riding I do I want to see some payback. It might be childish I guess, but that's absolutely fine with me. The important thing is to ensure when I am doing a "hot lap" I will always ensure safety of myself and others is primary importance (aside from coughing up one of my lungs that is). I do compete in club rounds and use that as a gauge of my fitness as well but with all the recent talk about the dam I thought I would give it a go again. The main reason I choose not to ride the dam these usually because it's too short, I think it's a great loop though and I find everyone friendly when I am there.
I guess I wouldn't have a problem with the data being private but then I don't see a problem with it as long as people ride safely within their limits.
eg quarry climb, andersons etc. And most of the hot lap times posted for places like Manly Dam are relatively slow ie >34 minutes / <17kms per hour average so I dont think anyone can say that hot lap speeds are dangerous.
Hill climb times are pretty interesting though as that is where real fitness can shine IMO
"Track!", my lycra is right up my "Track!".
Manly Dam is not a Race Circuit, and I don't like people yelling "track" as they close in from behind at a speed that is inappropriate when the trail is there to share with all other users. If HotLaps encourages that kind of behavior then I think it should go.
I hear somebody yell "track" at me (in a non-race ride) scenario about once per year. Instead, go home and yell "Track" at the TV in your lounge room from your windrider instead, or save it for your next race.
When you hear someone yell 'Track" in such a social scenario just reply,
"Yeah but I'm race leader"
Christine - I agree completely that it does seem odd.
Maybe they should be renamed 'personal bests' which would reinforce the message they are not intended as a challenge for all out there.. the trouble is that is partly why they are on the site in the first place...
Personally - I'm enjoying Manly Dam more when I try and ride it slower (don't have to try too hard
I thought the hot lap thing on here was simply a name for everybodies 'personal bests'.
I found the hotlap section on here great to guage my own personal fitness level. When I ride by myself I push myself by going as hard as I can whilst maintaining that fun level about it and not going so hard that it isn't fun, but I like to push myself for the fitness. Riding like this and using for instance, my PB time for the Dam, I know that I'm improving if i go quicker, or sliding if I go slower. I set goals using this technique also.
Take this as an example, I've been riding now for about 6 months. My second last PB about 10 odd weeks ago was 47 mins around the dam, I then set a goal for 45 mins. Then about 8 weeks later after riding a bit more with friends and riding to work on the odd occasion I went around there again on my return home from work and did 41 mins, then road home, my new goal is to get under 40 mins. Using this I have obviously improved my fitness. I know it's not a fast time. But I'm not here to measure the length of my stem.. hahah Just here to have a blast in the dirt and get fit doing it. Not sure if it's the intended purpose of the Hotlaps section, but that's what i use it for. I do this for commuting to work, setting goals to push myself that little bit harder each time.
It is natural for one to want to better ones self, (except for me and my ridicules 9+ hour event rides)
When I started riding the Dam I had to walk a few spots and can remember being inspired when a more experienced rider raced past me.
Remember people Manly Dam isn't for the novices, mind you I did read with interest the Dam being included in one of the Sunday papers recently as being a good venue for a "family day out riding", didn't agree with that opinion.
Call it what you like personal best / hot laps / lazy loop doesn’t matter, let people whinge they will anyway.
Removing hot laps from the site won't stop people having a go and as noted "most" riders are compliant and courteous to others.
As for being bothered by a rider calling “Track”....move the f#$k over, they have as much right to ride the way they want as do those doing a lazy social crawl.
People.....stop pandering to the minority! Overall, MTB riders are nice people
I'm not talking about politely saying or "calling" 'track' I said "yell" as in Yelling. I'm well skilled in waving courteous people through.
Outside races/events: Yeah ok, so one a$$hole a year who yells it, and maybe 30 people who pass nice and easy. It's that 1 in 30 that I tend to remember though.
anyway, didn't AMB and the Rangers separately have something to say about HotLaps?
He must have been one of the bad apples!
Boys are competitive - riding my motorbike, overtake someone cruising along 9 out of 10 times they will up their speed and follow - why? Seen the MIZONE ad on TV even male runners do it supposedly. Same at the Dam - overtake someone say "hi" and suddenly you have a NEW riding partner - they may then overtake you but nearly always for one section only. Other times I ride with a bunch of guys and we chat the whole way round - both enjoyable.
I blame testosterone!
So I use the lap times to guage personal fitness and I like to compare how my times line up with others just like nearly any other sport or activity.
I am in awe of anyone who can do a sub 30.
everyone and I am guessing NorcoNut you are the most spot on...
I wasn't asking for hot laps to be taken off just curious as to the point of them thats all...
btw - i like you boys how are so secure in yourselves that you either don't post your 'hotlaps' or post slower ones... thats so nice and refreshing.. guess now i had better go try a hot lap ... NOT
I wouldnt know if I had done a hot lap or not as I would have to get a computer on my bike so I could time one but honestly computers are a distraction that just slow you down.