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Too young too stupid

May be I am becoming too old....
I finished riding Menai around 12 today when one teenager with a full suspension cannondale was waiting by the end of the track. He was wearing thongs, shorts and a tshirt, as if going to the beach or just a ride to the shop.
2 minutes later a mum droped another teenager with another full suspension bike. This guy also wearing appropiate cloth for the beach.
None of them wearing helmets, not even proper shoes!!! they went down the trail, jumping everything they could as soon as they got into the bush. I didn't react on time to tell them anything but i had a little chat with the mum who said "you don't have a 17 year old sun!! I have talked to him but..." and off she went with her car.
I was a bit frustrated. If something happen to them, which by wearing what they were, it is very possible, the angry mum could make enough noise to change the rules for riding that area for everyone, appart of giving all MTBkers a bad name as irresponsible bunch of people!!!
Hopefully the two teens read this or a friend of them, and make them think and use the head with a helmet and proper shoes next time!!!
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Kids these days, and for a more scary matter the so called parents of these kids. Of course it is not "cool" to wear protective gear or even shoes in this case but the parents just seem not to care enough to enforce such things like safety. Many of these people actually go to the trouble of having these kids in the first place only to get lazy with the upbringing. And all too often it seems they drop the ball in situations like these basically because its too hard and they make absolutely ridiculous justifications like "you don't have a 17 yr old son". Wtf kind of excuse is that? Does that actually make her feel better about the possibility of her son sustaining a brain injury? I bet the same kind of person would buy a 4wd because "they are safer" and they need the space for the kids even though much smaller cars can easily hold 5 adults who are much larger than most children.
All to often laziness prevails and things like this happen.
End rant.
because they have three kids that often have friends come home from school for plays, oops small cars don't seat more than 5 do they, or they go away a lot and need the extra space to take everything required for long trips with 3 kids or maybe they actually go "off road" with said 4wd or maybe, actually why am I defending my choice of vehicle against such a moronic argument? Better still d_n2blue, do the math, 2 tonne travelling at 60km/h and 1 tonne travelling at 60km/h meet head on, which one carries the most inertia? I know where I'd rather be
end rant
I know where I'd rather be too - on the single track in the bush well away from said head-on
Where was dad? Why wasn't he out riding the trails with them? Maybe he cracked his head open when he was riding with no helmet and is now confined to a hospital bed.
I think there is a difference between a 'mans 4WD' and the paper-light, increased-ground-clearance 'Girly AWD' that will never see an unsealed road, and can be pushed off the road (high COG) in a significant impact with something heavier. Some of these expanded tin cans spend most of their time maneuvering around school drop off zones, and holding people up while they try to park them in shopping malls.
How often these days do you see somebody in a virgin 4WD or a girly AWD swerve to miss a minor bump in the road or stuff around trying to navigate around a bit of kerb sticking out? It's the people who drive them like its a figgen china tea cup that gets me fired up.
I couldn't see a single reference to 4wd's in the post.
Could I get a free eye test please?
Yours, A Oldcojjer.
You are hacking my thread!!!
Actually the mum was driving a UTE!!
If you want I can start another thread to talk bad/good about 4wd!!!
read the first reply "I bet the same kind of person would buy a 4wd because "they are safer" and they need the space for the kids even though much smaller cars can easily hold 5 adults who are much larger than most children."
Don't get me started on 4wd's, so I will resist that temptation on this occasion.
To me, this thread touches on two important issues.
One is the kids who do not have enough self respect to look after themselves when undertaking such a dangerous activity as MTB riding. What bikes were they riding, DH or just XC stuff? I didn't think this was clear. Although the intent and activity these kids were to engage in was clear. Even AM and XC riding is dangerous. I have lost count of the amount of times I have stacked my bike and heard my helmet slap against the ground, or a rock. Later thinking, "glad I was wearing that!" But that's what its for, right? We are talking about a dangerous activity. And no shoes!! In a way, that's even worse. How many times have you smashed your toes against rocks on the trail? What if their toes went into the drivetrain? Just plain silly. But I don't think you can rely on kids to do the right thing. They will do almost anything if they think it is breaking the rules.
Speaking of plain silly, this supposed responsible parent obviously has no clue about what her child gets up to when he is MTB riding. With no idea of what it actually entails, how can she effectively help provide a relatively safe and enjoyable activity for her child? Why not buy all the correct gear for it? Surely this stuff was not simply left in the car? Therefore, she will have no clue of what to do when her child cracks his skull open and gets hospitalised. I truly hope that day never arrives for her. Lets just hope that these kids don't decide to take up DH riding as the risks will become much larger.
The nature of mountain biking is that these kids will smash a few toes, possible a lot more, within a short time.
They might learn from such an experience
If they continue riding without proper shoes, gloves and a helmet then they will learn additional lessons soon enough.
I don't think we need to worry about them
Incidentally, I was riding at Lucas Heights (not far from Menai, in Northern Beaches terms) that day and was surprised to find that *every* rider I encountered was wearing a full face helmet and lots of armour - never having ridden there before I was afraid it might be too dangerous for little old me.
I am not worried about them being injured, but the concequencies of such an "accident".
When mum looses his precious little boy, in her view, it will be the council's fault for not preventing them from riding there. No matter that legally they dont get anything, the council may decide to prevent another "bad publicity case" and just shut the place down.
that's why we pay taxes [*joke*] ... pet hate tangent ...
1. you can't legislate against being stupid
2. any "know it all", even the know nothing variety can have a child
[*Homer says*] Mmm ... Soylent Green.
Sorry Fernando, I missed your point first time through.
Yes, indeed, people getting themselves hurt can potentially cause over reaction from the "nanny states" which govern us.
But since mountain bikers tend to be seen by the general public as risk takers anyway, a few of us getting hurt is not going to cause public outrage - its what they expect.
I apologise to you 'fer' for bringing that whole 4wd argument to your post but I was merely trying to demonstrate the mentality that I have personally observed. And 'mrsoldfart' please don't be offended by your own choices, I wasn't referring to you or even the particular lady in question. As for the math I have done plenty this year and thank you for asking.
Hey Cambowambo, yes indeed, there is plenty of north shore / DH trails there, if you know where to look...
But that might not be your thing.
Was the kid's mum hot? I think it's important.
now you mention it , i think it is important too ... lol ... so was she ?