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Blue Mts Trails need your help

In line with the advocacy work that a number of local riders have undertaken with the Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) at Old Bathurst Road (OBR) and Nichols Pde [Here]. The Bushland Management area of BMCC is in the process of drafting submissions to council to recommend for or against continued access to OBR and Nichols.
The Nichols pde site has been targeted for closure with BMCC reps’ views of OBR being more positive, but still unsecured.
A temporary arrangement has been agreed with BMCC for continued use of OBR, with an initial volunteer trail day being held with 25 vollies (onya peeps) however, Nichols has effectively been closed.
This thread is to request your support via email petition to BMCC Bushland Officers to demonstrate a high level of support (Local, interstate and potentially international) for continued access to these sites.
Please could you email the following BMCC reps with a brief but thought out couple of paragraphs showing your support for local riders, volunteers and continued trail access.
I have provided a couple of examples to assist where convenient.
Thanks in advance
To:/ [email protected]
cc:/ [email protected]
Email 1
Subject: Support for Mountain Bike Access in the BMCC
This email is to show my support for continued trail access to both the Old Bathurst Road site and the Nichols Parade site.
As a local user of these trails I am happy to register for future volunteer track maintenance days at these two sites. I am also willing to support a rider code of conduct that would help to minimise impacts to the local residents so that we can continue to share access to these sites.
[Insert Name]
[Insert suburb]
[insert email address]
Email 2
Subject: Support for Continued Access to Nichols Pde and Old Bathurst Road tracks
Dear Soren
This email is to show my support for continued trail access to both the Old Bathurst Road site and the Nichols Parade site.
As a local user of these trails and resident within the Blue Mountains I am happy to register for future volunteer track maintenance days at these two sites. I am also willing to support a rider code of conduct that would help to minimise impacts to the local residents so that we can continue to share access to these sites.
[Insert Name]
[Insert suburb]
[insert email address]
Email 3
Subject: Continued Access to Established Mountain Bike tracks
Dear Soren
This email is to show my support for continued trail access to both the Old Bathurst Road site and the Nichols Parade site.
As an existing volunteer and am willing to continue to support volunteer track maintenance efforts and will support a rider code of conduct that would help to minimise impacts to the local residents so that we can continue to share access to these sites.
[Insert Name]
[Insert suburb]
[insert email address]
Email 4
Subject: Trail Access within Blue Mountains City Council areas
This email is to show my support for continued trail access to both the Old Bathurst Road site and the Nichols Parade site. I would also support continued development of sustainable trail networks throughout your areas of responsibility.
As a mountain biker and trail user, I would be attracted to the Blue Mountains and surrounding areas as a holiday destination, with the establishment of dedicated and varied trail networks.
I am happy to support volunteer maintenance activities by my fellow mountain bikers and have seen benefits in minimising impact to local residents by the introduction of a voluntary rider code of conduct.
Please include me in all communications with regards to the securing of these areas for continued mountain bike access.
[Insert Name]
[Insert Suburb / State / or Country]
[insert email address]
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A Plan of Management review of Blue Mts, Kanangra-Boyd and Wollemi NPs has begun.
To get the ball rolling parks are calling for comments by interested parties
full details and forms can be found over at the burn...
Nice one. Hopefully a fabulous MTB park will be built there by the council due to the overwhelming positive response from the MTB community.
Thanks Craig!!
Here is a 'progress' reply I received about the upcoming Council meeting of BMCC regarding this trail on Old Bathurst Road. Hopefully the Council does the right thing.
Thank you for your email stating your support for continued access to downhill bike tracks in the Eastern Escarpment, notably Old Bathurst Road, East Blaxland and Nichols Parade, Mt Riverview.
As you may be aware Council is currently investigating the feasibility of establishing a formalised Down Hill bike track parallel to Old Bathurst Road. The report on this proposal will go to the Council meeting on the 16 March 2010. At this meeting Council will also be considering and making recommendation on the future use of the tracks at the end of Nichols Parade. The Nichols Parade track has previously been closed by Council, and is currently closed until a decision is made on its future use at the 16 March meeting.
Your submission will form part of Council consideration on this matter along with other factors such as the environmental status of bushland where the track are located, risk management as well as other social and economic factors.
Your contact detail have been placed on record and you will be notified of Councils decisions in relation to the Downhill bike track on the Eastern Escarpment. In the event that a formalised down hill site is established and further volunteer work days are run, you will also be notified of these events.
If you would like further information on this matter I be contacted on the numbers below or via email.
Yours Faithfully
Soren Mortensen
Bushland Management Officer
Blue Mountains City Council
Tel: (02) 4780 5742
Mob: 0413 155 742
Email: [email protected]