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Dam condition after the rain?

LadyToast's picture

By LadyToast - Posted on 19 December 2009

Has anyone ridden the Dam after the rain on Friday? Is it ok to ride?

obmal's picture

really only a puddle or three, they should be gone in a few hours or so.

LadyToast's picture

Thanks for that, I'll trundle over in the arvo.


Homer J's picture

Rode around this morning and it is in good nick. There has been some work done to the Allambie side fire trails as well with a couple of truck loads of sand dropped in and some pointy rocks taken out.

LadyToast's picture

Yeah I rode there on Sat afternoon, no wet areas to speak of. The track is in good condition. In my opinion it's a shame that the firetrail part after heartbreak hill has been levelled out so much, a lot of those rocky uphill sections are smooth now, they used to require some effort to pick a line, now you just coast up Eye-wink

Rob's picture

Please report this kind of info with a status update:

hawkeye's picture

... sounds like I need to sell the hardtail and buy a cyclocross fixie instead! Eye-wink

Hopefully some heavy rain will do for it what it did for the fire road that comes down from behinds the Lutheran retirement homes, after they graded that section last time. Laughing out loud

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