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Looks like I won't be doing any riding on the weekend.
A mate's crushing handshake when he picked me up to go see the 1-day cricket on Sunday has left me with bone fragments floating around the knuckle at the base of my pinkie. Looks like my broken hand wasn't as solidly healed from my pre-Christmas road rage crash as I thought.
So I'm off to get x-rays in the morning, and am very unlikely to be doing any riding for the next several weeks (again) on anything but a gym spin bike. And that's if they don't have to cut me open again.
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That sucks big time mate, just when you were looking like you were on the mend!
Hopefully it won't be as long as you think
x-ray this morning came up OK. No new damage to the bone. Looks like the GP was just being cautious/pessimistic.
Doesn't explain what feels like bits of stuff floating round the metacarpal side of the knuckle, nor the swelling, but I'm feeling a bit less traumatic.
See new blog entry. Oops!