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Public meeting with NPA

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
The Narrabeen Tramshed, 1395a Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
When it rains, it pours, eh?!
This is nothing to do with the Manly Dam debarcle that is ongoing as I write, but have just got word of another very important advocacy meeting from the editor of AMB:
Hi all,
The NPA has called a public meeting next week to outline their arguments against proposals to allow mountain biking in national parks in Sydney's north. We desperately need numbers there! In light of everything that has happened in the past few weeks we need to have a strong presence.
The meeting is to be held Monday Feb 22, 7 pm at the Narrabeen Tramshed, 1395a Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen.
Please promote this meeting however possible. Apparently David Jongi(sp?) is speaking on behalf of mountain bikers.
Would anyone else be willing to speak too?
[mod: ]
Speaking at the event will be David Yonge, from the Manly Warringah Mountain Bike club and environmentalist Ken Higgs, as well as Manly State Liberal MP Mike Baird, who will talk about biking in national parks.
I guess this means everyone is invited to attend. If you'd like to speak though... please contact Judith Bennet: [email protected]

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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They never give up do they!
When are they going to learn, we want what they want, only difference we have wheels.
Everyone get schooled up on IMBA guidelines, it has the answer to every biased myth they will raise.
Important thing is that we as mountain bikers are the calm and collected ones, so that when the inevitable hardcore environmentalists make clearly biased non fact comments, their true colors are shown.
Link to NPA(LOBBY GROUP) Policies on Recreation within National Parks:
We both want the same thing, so whats the problem?
Was going to post this up today... this meeting was planned before the closure of Manly Dam but could not be more timely.
This will be one of the regular meets of the Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment group - an organisation with deep roots in the NPA. As we know, many of their members are adamently against MTB use of bush trails. I have been asked to speak on behalf of the MTB community to raise our concerns about the lack of facilities in the area and to state a case for an expanded trail network. The MTB discussion will be second on the agenda for the evening. I will be speaking first and then Ken Higgs from NPA will speak, followed by an open floor discussion. I expect to be met with some serious opposition so some support from the MTB community would be greatly appreciated, especially since Michael Regan, Mayor of Warringah will be in attendance
Dave Yonge
DH Coordinator, MWMTB
I should be there as well.
I will try to make it to the meeting however I am driving back from Thredbo on that day and am not sure on my arrival time on the Northern Beaches.
I will do my best to get there.
Hey Christine
With luck I should be there. Won't know for certain until Monday lunchtime.
See you guys there ... and hopefully at council the next night
Not long now guys n girls,spread the word, bring your friends, call your bike shops!
If I ride there will there be anywhere to stash my bike so it doesn't get flogged while I'm in the meeting?
I've got one i can bring along. long enough for a couple bikes.
Ok so should we all bring our helmets and put them under our chair? cant see any harm in that
I think that way we can dress up smartish and still show our support, also as suggested on rotor a genuine round of applause for worthy pro mountain bike speeches would be good.
Close to 20 riders have said they are coming here
I was planning on wearing NoBMoB tee with shorts which personally I can't see an issue. This will identify who I support.
so there'll be no smart clothing for me! It'll identify my allegiance though.
walkers, public or others may not know what it is though.
We just want to keep our image up to the non mountain bikers, and also show the powers at be, how many of us are actually mountain bikers...some mountain bikers will not have nobmob shirts as they are coming from other area's/clubs
It would be advisable to all that swearing,attitude and rowdiness should be left at the door. We want to rise above, and show through reasonable logic that we deserve sustainable access to the bush.
any other suggestions?