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Refuel on Sunday

What could be better after a hard ride on Sunday in the Belrose area than to fuel up on a fresh sausage sanga and a cold drink?
Yes thats right, this is an unashamed plug for our schools fundraiser this weekend at Bunnings Belrose. We are trying to raise much needed funds to refurbish the pool that has sat empty for the last 3 1/2 years at my girls primary school. Seems that us Catholics get forgotten by both sides of the political fence when it comes to school funding, but thats another gripe not for here.
Anyway if your anywhere near Belrose Bunnings this Sunday between 8.30 and 3 and are feeling peckish please drop in and grab a feed. If your not feeling peckish, drop in anyway and throw a cold coin our way.
Thanks in advance for your support.
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Pool? At a school? We had 'permanent' demountable buildings because real bricks-and-mortar were too expensive.
A sausage sizzle does sound appealing, though. Especially after a ride in the area.
still there as well, in fact it seems every school holidays the school gets more of them delivered. Good to see us Catholics are doing Costello's bit for the country as well.