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pikey's picture

By pikey - Posted on 09 February 2007

Little-Ditty's picture

Yech! Those kinds of pics are always a gross out.

It looks to me like those guys have some kind of competition to see who can get the injury that requires the most stitches. Ouch!!

Tanya's picture

I don't have any open wounds.....just lots and lots of bruises. I went to Manly dam for only my second ever attempt and the first one was over a year no memory of that trip. Went over my handle bars at some point after that massive rock that you have to take a wide right to get around. It wasn't even a hard bit or particularly bumpy...don't know what went wrong really. Was just very luckly that I had done the 'overkill' of wearing knee and elbow guards. I have bruises all up my knees and thighs from how I landed on the ground and the bike.

Then I managed to do it again a short while after...for no real reason. It was embarrassing. Anyway...thought I'd share my big stack experience. Thankfully nothing broken.

Bruce's picture

A group of freinds & myself rode the Oaks fire trail yesterday. About three kilometers in one of my friends had a nasty crash on the first steep, rocky section. He suffered the usual grazes on the arms & legs which looked bad enough. After returning to the carpark we inspected his helmet to find that he had cracked it completely through the side section above the ear. The good news is that he suffered no damage to his head thanks to the helmet.

Alex's picture

well i still cant seem to post pics on this site, so heres a flickr link to 3 pics a few days apart of my oxford falls hip smash just at the last tech bit going to waterfalls (like the last metre lol)

Rob's picture

Those shots look shocking... yeow!

Little-Ditty's picture

You learn something from the experience, no?

Nice gash btw - a cool war wound to tell your buddies about. Did that require a hospital visit?

Alex's picture

nah it bloody hurt though! thought i'd cracked my hip or something but its starting to heal up quite nicely now so should be back on the trails within a week i'd say Smiling
oh and yeh, i learned once again the sting of a hardtail when the rear bounces all over rocks and throws u violently upward..and going down, keep ur weight BACK no matter what Eye-wink

goatman's picture

Have you considered using body armour?

I always use it on that trail and usually at Red Hill. Gets a little hot in Summer though!

Truthman's picture

Hey Alex! That bruise looks so sore! Anyway, glad you are recovering well!

I have witnessed a few crashes in the last few weeks, here is a pic I took of my friends knee after he came off at Red Hill the other day, it was on a low speed technical section. Going down a small rolldown, was a bit of a ditch at the bottom, front wheel stopped, too much weight in front, and over the handle bars... (Hope it inspires everybody who hasn't already, to get some knee pads!)

Alex's picture

hehe yeh i was wearing body armour, bought 2 days before! hate to see my elbow if i hadnt as i came down hard on elbow hip and knee..only hip was damaged Smiling +1 for armour Eye-wink

Alex's picture

yah cheers truth, have to get back out to do that run again, i want revenge Smiling

Truthman's picture

Revenge hehe... yeah sounds good. Let me know when your up for it! Monday and Wednesday avos are usually good for me.

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