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ulladulla trails

did a ride today in ulladulla,about twenty kms of wiked single track combined with some fire trails.really scenic,some of it winds along burrill lake.there were lots of off shoots along the way and jumps and berms built in as well.bloody awesome actually!! puts me in mind abit of menai,lots of trails inter connecting,i just did a main loop but there is plenty of exploring,did about 1.5 hrs without doubling back,will post some picks whe next there....
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Sounds great. Any chance you could GPS it?
Good to know theres somwhere to ride there as this area may soon be my home teritory if all goes to plan.
Nice to know... there's miles of training track (sorry - that means firetrail) in Morton National Park just inland from there. But this is proper, 600m vertical stuff. @Onegear - you'll be (more of) a machine with all that on your doorstep!
sorry my friend,i wouldnt know how even if i did own one-if i cant kill it,cook it or f@#% it i know nothing about it!!
but it is easy enough to find,there is a wild flower reserve on greene st you can go in there or abit further along opposite the tip there is a firetrail off to your left. as i said,there are dozens of trails criss crossing eachother in there,i will have a better idea after my next ride and will take some pics. im just stoked to have been shown such amazing singletrack thats only a 10minute ride from my front door!
You might want to find out what the legal status of this land is? Looks like some is a council(?) reserve and some (South of the reserve) might be public or crown land?
What's the local club there?
the whole area from green st down to canberra crescent is criss crossed with have to cross kings pt drive,we ended up down at canberra crescent there is a water tower?(big round concrete thingy) that we road to via the water treatment plant bang in the middle of the bush there,then we zig zagged back(and it really is stunning in there) till we came out near the leisure centre were the olympic pool is .hope that helps.... google sattlelite you can see the area and its quite large,cant really get lost as you have the lake on one side,and the princess highway on the other,in the north there is greene st.GPS at menai with the big mob a while back was a BIG help in not getting lost!!! haha im sure those there remember the 11km rd detour to finish the ride....
I'd take a guess it's these guys:
EDIT: Great name
As suspected
I spoke to a club guy who said, the trails near Green St trails are not legal. Therefore please stay away.
He said the club is working on a study which should lead to legal trails on State Forests land just south of Burrill Lake. Said they should hopefully be up and running by end of the year. That sounds more promising, eh?
Apparently you can get more info at the LBS, "Mountain Cycles" which is located on the Princes Hwy next to Subway.
the fellah that showed me the trails has been riding them for years and all the locals seam to know about them-didnt occur to me they wernt legal.oh well,better find some other option,but im guessing the moto riders that were ripping thru there dont give a rats and looking at some of the tracks theyve been playing in there for quite some time as well.....
A little bit further north but have you looked around Nowra at all? I was down there a few weeks ago and had a great time.