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New spin class in the Northern Beaches
Looks good, shame I won't be able to make the "30mins of hell" classes.
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So the 8 week program could be good in the lead up to an Enduro?
There should be a law against crappy site building software, in this case 'Trellix Site Builder'. Damn thing doesn't optimise images!
Might give them a go seeing as they are just up the road from where I work.
Thursday night at Climbfit in St Leonards. 530-630 and is run by Matthew Blundell from ProKayaks Narabeen. hard man. hard class. come early or miss out.
We have some 500 Watters in the front row and they leave exhausted.
500 watts? Is that all? I'm a kilowatt or nothing man myself.
Website is shocking
Anyone know of a good spin class in the city for lunch?
What would they charge for a casual visit? They're a 30 sec walk from the office.
Hi Matt,
They charge $16 for a casual visit. Get yourself into it! Matty's class will definitely get you huffing and puffing!
For ProCycle or ClimbFit?
here's both:
Procycle (from Contact Us page):
3/750 Pittwater Road,
Brookvale, NSW, 2100
Ph: 0404153598
ClimbFit (from knowledge
4/12 Frederick St,
St Leonards, NSW, 2065
Ph 9436 4600
Hope that helps!
If anyone goes to Climb Fit please let me know. It's just round the corner so would like to come check it out.
So Rob, feel free to drop in whenever
Far out ... it's climbers anonymous around here - any others?
Rob - climbfit is great, you should check it out (and have a boulder while you're there - it's good cross training)
but not next week as i'm only doing easy sessions. i'm trying to work out the best one for me to get to from mosman. i'll be cycling and know for sure that its safer riding to and from brookevale than dodging the traffic on the st leonards side! I'll try both and see which suits best over winter.