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Fitness training

MTY's picture

By MTY - Posted on 13 March 2007

Practice loop #1
Start - Home @ Narrabeen.
- Ride aong Wakehurst Pkwy to Deep Creek
- Deep creek track to Morgan Rd Firetrail to Oxford Falls Start
- Oxford Falls start to Nursery Rhymes, to Morgan Rd Firetrail, to Moon Rock trail, to Morgan Rd Firetrail, to Deep Creek and back home.
Total Distance = 21.69Km's
Total Riding time (Beginning) = 1 hour 29 Mins

- To complete within 1 hour riding time, with only 1 break at the start of the Oxford falls track.

This is how I plan to achieve my goal by riding this route 2-3 times a week.
Each step must be completed and done twice before going onto next step.
1). Take first rest stop at Deep Creek and Morgan Rd Firetrail Junction. (Currently takng 1st rest stop at waterfall, 2nd rest stop at Junction)
2). Do Morgan rd Firetail up hill section from Deep Creek junction to top of hill near intersection with Powerlines and Moonrock without breaks. Walking allowed at this point in time. (Currently riding 90% of uphills, but with plenty of 'breather' stops)
3). Do 2nd hilly section in Morgan Rd Firetrail non-stop. Walking allowed at this point. (Riding most but with 'breather' stops)
4). Complete DH, Nursery Rhymes non stop. Only rest stop is at junction of Nursery Rhymes and Morgan Rd Firetrail (Currently doing DH and road to start of nursery rhymes non stop. breather stops at about 3 points up nursery rhymes).
5). Morgan Rd, Moon Rock, Morgan Rd, Deep Creek, Home, non stop (Currently stopping at Deep Creek waterfall for rest).
6). Complete first hilly section of Morgan Rd firetrail riding non stop.
7). Complete second section of Morgan Rd firetail non stop.
Cool. Complete entire ride non stop with only a short rest at the Start to the Oxford Falls trails.

Time Limit
To achieve, or at least achieved the first 5 points before the end of April 07.

MTY's picture

Did the course this afternoon. Only had rest periods at the junction of Deep Creek track and Morgan rd Firetrail for 5 mins, 5 mins @ the start to Oxford falls, and 5 mins @ the junction of Nursery Rhymes and Morgan Rd.
When hills weren't riden up, I kept walking until I could get to a point to start riding.
However the results that I did it in were a little disapointing. Overall I thought that I put in a bigger effort today than yesterday but took the exact same time.

Total Distance = 21.69Km's
Total Riding time = 1 hour 30 mins.

ar_junkie's picture

I take it you're planning on doing this often, what time do you start?
Finally over the flu (touch wood) and keen to get out...

MTY's picture

I'm doing it again tomorrow arvo, although if I get of work early enough I plan to add a trip round the XC track and Road to somewhere. But I would have the ride would have to start at about 4pm at the latest to do that. Otherwise it'll be just what I did twice this week.

I do plan to do this loop 2-3 times a week. Next run after tomorrow will be Monday arvo. Keen to join me?

MTY's picture

First time I rode this in nearly a month. I'm starting to find it easier to ride up the hills on the Morgan Rd Firetrail. I rode up all of it, but this time I only stopped twice halfway up the first long section coming up from Deep Creek.
Overall I felt better doing it this time compared to the last time.

My time is nearly the same as last time, except I chose to go down the main trail rather than via Moon Rock. Had I done Moon Rock the time would have taken longer.

Total Distance = 21.9Km's
Total Riding time = 1 hour 30 mins.

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