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First 100km Enduro

I can now happily say I've done a 100km enduro event
Well done to everyone that finished. I'm still blown away by some of the times posted, you guys are machines.
Prior to this I have never ridden more then 70km on my mountain bike so this was going to be a challenge. Preparation wasn't the best as I got the flu big time so I hadn't done any exercise since my last ride on the 18th April. I also replaced my shifters, rear derailleur and cable last Wednesday (parts were delayed due to some volcano overseas) without doing a shakedown ride so everything was going to plan . My final bit of last minute prep out shopping Saturday morning for plates and cutlery so for dinner Saturday night.
The Race
Come race day and I was surprised at actually how warm it was in the morning. I packed thinking it was going to be freezing overnight but quite the opposite. I couldn't sleep the night before and ended up only having about 2 hours sleep but then again, who can. I also woke up with a sore and swollen hand so I don't know what's going on there. Race started and my main thing was to drink as I never drink enough. Go to the first stop and was feeling great. Filled up with water (about 1.5 litres), had a couple of glasses of coke, had a banana and was off.
Got to the 50km stop and was still feeling great. My downfall here was the food tasted so good I ate way too much. I had 1 nutella sandwich, 2 pieces of banana bread, heaps of water melon and heaps of salt & vinegar chips. Filled up my water and was off. I left with Craig but it wasn't long and he was off. This is were I started not feeling the best and the food felt like it was on the way up. Also, I don't know if it was just me but the water at the 50km stop had a funny taste. This combine with eating too much meant I stopped drinking. I had a bit of a rest when pikey came a long so I decided to push on. We rode the rest of GNR and Shepard's Gulley together and made our way to the canoe bridge.
The canoe bridge crossing was so funny. There were so many attempts that ended up in face planting the canoes. Anyway, pikey obviously didn't want to think too much more about it and he was off and rode it without coming off. I thought WTF and started. Man this was hard as I was feeling pretty shattered by now. Probably got 1/2 of the way and was shaky as when I tried to steady myself with my rear brake. This was a mistake as I skidded, unclipped and when I put my foot down just managed I get the platform and was saved. A fraction more and I was in the drink. I got going again and kept well away from the brake and made it. Awesome.
Pikey Riding the Bridge & then Me
Cross the paddock with pikey but when just going up the small grass hill to the road I got cramps big time. Pikey head off as I needed some time. I ended up just walking along the rode a bit until and then just carefully rode to the start of the Woomerah Range. Here it was pretty much walk the hills and took it easy on the flats. I met up with heckler and did about the last 25kms together which was good.
I also had 5 salt tablets and 6 Panadeine over the 100kms
I came in with an elapsed time of 07:32:53 which I'm stoked with as leading up to it I was in doubt of even starting.
Edit: Seeing the average time for Veterans was 06:16:24 I have a bit of work to do and something to aim for next year
Post Race
Straight after the race I had a beef kebab and a can of coke. My whole body was in pain and my face was even cramping trying to eat. Hung around for presentations (considering they started about 10 minutes after I got in). Went back to where we stayed, had a shower and headed home. Got home at 7:30pm, had a supreme pan pizza and went to bed. This morning I am still shattered and quite sore. My left hand is still sore as. I'm going to rest up for a while and I'm so glad now I didn't sign up for Capital Punishment.
Even after eating pizza a beef kebab and breakfast this morning I'm sill 1.4kgs lighter.
Below is my profile. I must have had the cover too tight and the timer stopped for about 15 minutes.
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Well done Brian
So much pain but so much fun hey!
I agree with you about the water from the 50km stop - I had to force myself to drink it 'cos it tasted so weird.
And as for cramps after the race - I bent down to touch my toes to stretch and got a cramp in my stomach muscles that nearly made me fall over!
Great effort Brian!
You looked to be cruising through it when I saw you on Womerah
You've got me on that film as well, doing the wade of ignominy
Mind you, that last guy you filmed on the bridge walked most of the way over. Should have had to jump off if he couldn't ride the whole way!
Water was about testicle deep in one spot, with the tide coming in. Shorter, slower people would have got quite wet. It was actually quite refreshing on the legs at that stage, though the wet shoes and socks for the rest of the ride were a little sub-optimal.
I got a wrist band too (a blue one), but it's still on the bike.
Finished in a bit over 7 hrs, about an hour better than last year........
I can verify that the tide was indeed coming in.... by the time I crossed, the water was above the nipple line...... very refreshing though !
Congrats Brian, well done. No way I would have done the bridge! Your Flu timing was better than mine. I got mine Friday and considered doing the 50km instead but woke up worse Saturday so pulled the pin.
The bridge was stressful watching other people attempt and then fall off. I just changed into a higher gear, went fast and looked at the opposite bank - I think it's more stable that way.
You must've been feeling the effects of the flu still as I said high to you at registration and you looked at me like it was the first time we'd met. Or maybe it was too many night rides and I look different in the daylight without my gear on.
That was you hey. Don't be offended but I actually have a problem where I can't remember faces and it does feel like I am meeting a lot of people for the first time over and over. I try to associate people with something and if you were to sign up to a ride on a different bike I wouldn't recognise you either.