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Disappointed - but I got a wrist band!

Woah! That was tough yesterday
My wife and I have just had a baby last week so my training has gone off the boil over the last 3-4 weeks. So I knew I was entering this event less than 100% prepared, but 100% committed to giving it my all.
Decided to drive up on the morning. 3am start - ouch! Went north via the freeway to avoid the ferry, needed petrol, but couldn't find a Shell servo - ouch! Hit the FWY hoping to get some at a servo, next services: Gosford only 56km - ouch! My turn off was before then at Peats Ridge - Bollocks!!! Got to Mangrove Mountain, shrouded in cloud, 4.30am, cloudy, cold and tired and running out of fuel. Rolled into St Albans with about an hour to spare and nothing but vapour left in the tank. This was going to be an interesting day.
Got myself a rockstar park next to the Rockstar boys and more importantly the toilets! The queue at this point wasn't to bad. This was my window of opportunity. Of course I wasn't camping so completely forgot to bring a head torch, ended up having to wipe my arse to the glow of my iPhone - lol
Was gunning for a sub 6hour time today so placed myself at the back of group 1. I reckoned they would put enough distance between myself and the front of group 2 to give myself a good crack at the first hill. Last year was to congested, this year was better but still had to dismount about halfway. The hill was quite muddy this year which made the going hard. The trail was quite sandy and quite damp in places, this increased my rolling resistance and it made me work harder for it. But overall I was generally very happy with my pace, Nige and I were drafting nicely and this kept us both on-course for sub 6hr. I flew through the first water station feeling great leaving Nige to fill up his last remaining water bottle after losing 3 since the start (Maybe Camelbaks aren't a bad idea afterall). At the 40km I started to tire, Mike was on a flyer and had caught me up, a loss of concentration and I lost my rear end on one of those little techy rock gardens on the GNR. I dusted myself down, a bruised hand but nothing broken and carried on. The next 10km into Ten Mile Hollow was hard going and I am pretty sure the front pack of group 2 had caught me up. The run into Ten Mile was good, started to feel strong again and arrived under my 3 hour target. Sub 6 here I come. Mike was here regrouping and we both set off together again. Deja-vu of last year. Mike pulled away on the climb past the Temple and that was the last I saw of him until the finish line.
The ride along the GNR to the top of Shepherds was pretty uneventful and the km's fell away quite quickly. The run down Shepherds was tough though, I usually love it. Today I didn't, it was hard on the hand and the bike felt rough. The Yeti didn't feel good at all, despite brand new running gear (rear derailleur, chainrings and chain) I wasn't happy with it's performance, but I simply didn't get time to strip it down and service it in the previous weeks because of the impending arrival of my firstborn. I knew the shocks weren't as plush as I like and was dying to get them serviced.
Arrived at the bridge and was determined to ride it. After watching only about 1 in 6 riders make it across it took me 5 mins or more to pluck up the confidence to have a crack myself. One thing I did notice was all the guys who fell in forgot how to ride and would stop pedaling, loose balance and splash! So all I have to do is remember to pedal, can't be that hard right? And it wasn't, halfway I across I didn't know what I was so worried about. It was in my opinion, very easy. I now have my swanky black arm band.
Onto Womerah, I was fully expecting to make up some serious ground on my time from last year here, my climbing has improved and a second sub 3hr time here was my plan. Oh how wrong I was. The first climb up the road to where the last years water station was was ok, but the rest of the climb along the range was boring and slow going. Nige caught me up at this point and we played leap frog for the next 10km or so. At 80k I got a second wind and was able to make a push towards Jacks. I didn't see Nige again until the finish.
Jacks was fantastic, I was feeling fully strong again and I launched myself down with everything desperately trying to make up some lost ground. From there on the road was pretty boring, drafted some guy who wasn't happy with me hanging off his back wheel. He was a right grumpy old git. The 2nd water crossing was quite shallow this year but just as sandy. I don't remember the final run into St Albans taking as long last year, It seemed to go on forever, but when I finally saw those cars, then the people, then the left turn to the finish I found myself sprinting to the line for a well earned beer.
It didn't even touch the sides.
Although I finished cramp-free this year I somehow found it harder than last year, I think it was more down to the trail conditions being more damp? creating more resistance, or maybe it was me? Eitherway I only shaved about 7 mins off my time. This disappointed me greatly. I was expecting greater things this time around.
DW 2011 anyone?
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You didn't mentioned......Boy or Girl! and
Well done for the race. It was tough. Particularly that first hill, it makes Elvina look flat.
I can relate, I get a bit grumpy when people draft me without returning the favour and I'm feeling like sh1t. I would imagine he was feeling as tired as you.
Not good to hear about the yeti not feeling sorted though, I had mine forks serviced last week and set them nice and plush for this race and the bike was epic down shepherds gully, I could literally hit anything flat out.
Sounds like one to remember for sure. Oh, and well done on becoming a dad, nice work!
On the birth and the race!
you're race account made interesting reading, you have a knack for writing.
Thanks guys! I am now the proud father of Violet
That's great news, so I guess we already know what colour her first bike will be then ay?
A hot pink Yeti ASR
On the ride and the baby! You must've passed me somewhere towards the finish - a few people did as I hit a wall at the 80k mark.
I came across the line 5mins after you.
Thanks for the congrats Ben, and well done on your time too. Top effort!
Our race times were separated by 5mins but I crossed the start line before you and came home across the finish line at 13.37. You didn't cross the line until a full 15mins later at 13.53 so I doubt I would've passed you.
I failed to check those details!