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60 minutes - this Sunday

Just saw the ad on TV. A guy slams into a tree on his bike at full speed, his friends must have been filming it. and the story is about his treatment and stuff it seems. But i'm sure it will have loads of riding, plus loads of "the dangers our youth are up....where are your children now" usual media rants.
Might be worth a watch.
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I will have to make sure my wife doesnt see it!
Although the story was a good one, with regard to what an amazing job the ambos, careflight, medical staff do, one can't help that people are going to get a the wrong idea about what the majority of MTB riders in Aus are like.
Anyhow, the story page is here:
No video, but maybe that will come. I can't believe these guys were out in the woods, building stuff, jumping without body armour, etc, etc. That said, perhaps you have to wonder if there's anywhere safer locally for such people to ply their trade? I'm thinking not
I mean, I like the MTB angle and all, but really... this is just one guy.
Why not do a story on the hundreds of other stack videos on YouTube or There's no shortage of local hospitalisations on both of those sites.
I thought the story was quite positive about the emergency and medical assistance that Chris received. I was expecting the reporters to say "OMG what an idiot jumping off these things, and look, he got hurt! Now he's a leech on society!" It was more like an episode of ER or Saving Babies.
I've got a recording if anyone wants to watch.
north shore style bridgey skinny jumps over road gaps into tree laden areas=very bloody dangerous
I saw the story as well. The first few minutes were spent with my brothers looking at the repeated video footage thinking "Aw sh*t! Did you see that!"
I found the JSF story much more interesting! Anyway...
In all, the story did not actually do much for the MTB community as it makes us look amateurish and reckless. How many people actually do stuff like that anyway? Less than 1% of total riders? Not a representative snapshot of the sport. Plus, if you stack it bad like that out in the forest, how does that guy expect to get any help?? Does this not enter his head beforehand? Obviously not. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.