Got that one out of the way ...

What was I thinking ?????
All I can say is that it seemed like a good idea beforehand but by the first waterstop, i was ready to pull out.
Legs felt fine but shoulder was very very sore. I think the push up the first hill really screwed it up. Bizarrely, I could still go downhill ok but really struggled on any bit of tech or rocky uphill, I just couldn't pull up on the bars without sharp pains from the rotator cuff....
I almost went down the 50km course but Christine persuaded me to man up and head for half way... I stopped feeling sorry for myself when I seen Christine was riding a singlespeed ! ( and she finished in around 7.45 ... Unreal !)
Anyway, I rode most of the downhill and the smooth uphills but had to walk up embarassingly small rocks.... I just kept persuading myself to just get to the next checkpoint. ( and kept taking pain killers ...). I waded through the river then strangely enjoyed the Womerah range section... I'had no illusions about how many hills there were but at least they were smooth...
At the finish line, I was more interested in getting an ice pack than a cold beer ( jeez, I'm getting old....). All in all, given the events of the last year, I was very happy to just finish albeit way slower than last year . By the end, I was starting to feel more natural on the bike ( apart from the shoulder pain that is...) and was slowly learning to let go of the brakes again. Still nowhere near as relaxed downhill as I used to be, but the confidence is improving.
Just got to keep the rubber side down at Capital Punishment and hope the shoulder recovers from it's pounding.
Mate - awesome work. It's a big call to come back from your injuries and hit up a 100. Good on you for not bailing!
Hope there's no lasting pains from that and you're good to get some serious training in before the next one.
to see you come over the finish line! You did a sensational job, it has been a hard ride back you ought to be so very very proud!
so very very very happy for you - and you know, I don't think I have done a race and not seen you! Even when you weren't riding!
btw - what is it with men and gears? do you all ride around checking out everyone elses gears? I wouldn't notice a single speeder go past me at all until I got one!! lol
Well done for finishing and I also wanted to pass on my thanks to you for organising me the ticket for the DW100.
It was my first enduro and i enjoyed almost every km, except for the massive cramp at the 95km stage otherwise a great day out.
Good luck with the shoulder. Gotta love the nurofen.
Cheers Ben