You are hereHave you written to the Minister and senior DECCW staff yet?

Have you written to the Minister and senior DECCW staff yet?

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 13 May 2010

64% (16 votes)
No, and I'm not going to
36% (9 votes)
Total votes: 25
Rob's picture

May I ask, whoever said, "No, and I'm not going to"... why?

It comes down to one thing: Do you want to see legal single track in the National Parks or Sydney North, or do you not?

If you live around here and ride off road, I simply cannot see why you wouldn't want to help get the trails at Bantry Bay, Oxford Falls, etc, etc. legalised and re-opened. Which would probably come with the bonus of being able to see some purpose built riding in the future.

Maybe you don't like riding single track? OK - if that is the case, fair enough - but I'd think pretty much everyone loves sniggle. Maybe you don't live in Northern Sydney? Even if one of those situations applies to you - why wouldn't you write in and help your fellow riders?

Or you think that no matter how many people write in, this is never going to happen. One answer to that: Manly Dam closed. 400 emails later... Manly Dam open. This sort of pressure has never been put on DECCW, let's see if we can apply it and what the outcome will be.

Or you think that there's too much pressure on the local bushland and not going there is a sacrifice we should make? Well, that's one opinion, but as we've shown many times, properly constructed trails place no more pressure on the environment than walking tracks. Certainly less than hundreds of people driving hundreds of kays each weekend to the other single track options (Yellomundee, Ourimbah, etc) or everyone piling onto Manly Dam, which as we all know has it's own issues.

Or you think that the law doesn't apply to you and you ride them anyway, so see no need to get things legalised? Tricky. There's not much one can say to that. Apart from what makes you so special you don't have to adhere to the rules of society? Do you realise by not doing so you are undermining the efforts of everyone working so hard to make this a reality? Don't you see that by working together we an make a difference, get some proper, authorised trail building going which would lead to much better riding for everyone.

Or you don't have time to write? Come on - you're here surfing this forum - don't have 5 minutes to fire up your email app. and type, "Dear Minister & Senior Staff... I like MTB riding, me. Please do all you can to enable local staff in Sydney North to make good on the prior promise of sustainable single track network in the National Parks of that region. Thanks, Mr No Time"?


Lach's picture

Hope there's a few more letters happening than that.

Trev's picture

Just imagine what would happen if the bloke/blokess that runs the Nat.Parks in the Northern Sydney region gets a promotion. Goodbye legal single everywhere else. Look what we could do at the Dam, I rarely ride there but an email didn't kill me to write. Can anyone out there spare 5 minutes for the cause?

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