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Site Upgrade

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 22 March 2007

Hopefully no-one has noticed, but the site was upgraded this morning. I say, 'hopefully' as none of the nice new features are on yet (aside from the expando-menu under navigation - which most won't use).

You should not notice any real visible difference. There's a know problem with browsers caching the old style sheets. If things look a little dull you may have to clear your browser cache or force a hard refresh (Eg. CTRL+SHIFT+R in Firefox).

If you notice anything funny going on, please PM Rob with details.

The good news is that some of the niceties discussed in Site Enhancements can happen now. Stay tuned!

Stuart M's picture


and yes I did notice, the number next to Inbox has gone and Who's on line has moved to the bottom. People do notice your work mate, keep it up, much appreciated

Rob's picture

... not shown if you're logged in. It's the block left with you name on when you are logged in.

Oh, and the number on the inbox will come back when someone sends you a mail - doh! Eye-wink

The order of the blocks is a random effect - it doesn't bother me much so will leave it Smiling

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