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Lisdale State Forest

Sunday, 1 April, 2007 - 09:00 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
0 Meeting Point:
Turn into 'Forest Ridge Drive' and stop after 50m or so at the first intersection.
Has been discussed here:
This ride has the dubious(?) honour of being the first in our calendar. Will be trying to ride these trails: (9.5Km loop).
There's also a short circuit: (2.8Km loop).
Plus some of the fire trail further in the forest.
See you there!
Who's in?
No confirmations as yet.
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Just to remind you, times are:
Saturday - 4:00 p.m. This is more a pre-ride, to have a look around and explore what Lithgow has to offer. I have never been riding around Lithgow, so this should prove useful for Sunday's activities. Will still be normal riding pace though.
Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Main ride, of hopefully longer duration.
Hope to see as many of you there as possible.
have to say again if we are coming? I am and Gazza said he is too - for the Sunday ride - Craig also said he may be coming the other day...
I suppose not. But then again, you have now anyhow, right? But that's okay. See you there.
I should be there on the Sunday morning. Wanted to do the whole weekend but the girlie says no. Yet I still maintain I am not whipped. Hrm.
Wow, that's this weekend, I'd better get organised...
Yes, that's right "chief". Get your house in order!
Just to confirm, re-confirm, I'll cya there. I will be driving up on the Sunday.
Will be there Saturday.
See you soon!
Yeah... this one should be good.
As the track in here is only around 10Ks I've just plotted a 20-ish K loop South from there. Admittedly it's only firetrail, but does a creek crossing then goes up the largest hill in the area (200m vertical climb at that point) and back via different path.
This course is in the Edge and ready to be followed - I'll be trying to talk people into it Sunday
hey all, ill see you there for the ride., should be a good one. hope the pre-ride today was good.
Erm... is missing. Due to my Edge dying
Luckily it's 1 week shy of it's 1st birthday so can feel a new one coming on under warranty.
Anyhow - awesome ride, and place. Huge shout out to Flynny for showing us around and putting up with the incredibly slow first lap (you'll be pleased to know some put in a much quicker second and then we finished on a third with loads of pics). This place is defo worth more outings and a spot in the rides DB - anyone up for writing a report?
Don't have time to upload any shots now, but have created the Lisdale gallery (under days away) for anyone wanting to bung up theirs.Shots are now up in the Lisdale State Forest Gallery.
Probably the best action shot for shot of the day: Corner Bruce.
There are some other class efforts though. I never knew Gazza had such a large tongue! And we will see who damaged the pallets too!
Top photo's Rob. You brought your professional photo game today. Well done. The close up's were particularly difficult to get, but you have pulled them off. You're right, Bruce's Corner shot looks cool.
Many thanks to everyone that came out for the Lithgow hit out, on Saturday at Donnybrook and the Sunday at Lidsdale. I had a fantastic time out, probably the best weekend ride I have had with you guys. Sensational track, great company.
There are just too many funny stories to post. But here are some:
Saturday at Donnybrook Downhill and XC (1 lap of each):
Attempting a jump / drop-off during some cool downhill action, Caro loses the landing and also her grip of her fingers over the brakes. Lookout! She barrels through the landing with a real tank-slapper, fish-tailing all over the trail and somehow managing to miss Bruce and Liam's (me) bikes parked on each side of the trail, 20m past the jump. To her credit, Caro remained in the saddle during this incident. Caro, that's a 7.0 for the attempt, a 6.0 for the landing, and a 9.5 for the resulting landing and the laughter from the onlookers!
Bruce and myself riding down a very slippery, steep, 400m long rock and sand strewn fire trail close to night-time with no lights, and stacking in comical fashion in the same place, with Bruce almost crashing right over the top of me. Bad understeer in a rut off the right hand side of the track - we are agreed. Lucky for us it is dark enough that we do not immediately notice the barb wire fence that Bruce almost A over T'd into. Caro tries to take a snap of the carnage taking place 50m down the trail, with the two silly boys spilled onto the ground like skittles. But alas (luckily for Bruce and myself) it was too dark to see the photo. Phew! I get back on and say "screw this, this trail won't get the best of me!!" but I proceed to ride down another 50m and stack it in identical fashion. Yes, I am a fast learner. Bruce, who no doubt made an ironic and humerous comment to Caro at that moment, thinks the better of continuing.
Getting all sorted on Saturday evening ready for a massive night out and a huge feed. So, what are we missing here? A place to eat maybe? We walked from pub to pub looking for anywhere that will still serve food at 8:00 p.m. but apparently everyone in Lithgow eats dinner at 5:00 p.m. Oooops. We get $100 worth of Chinese food instead. Oh, and the Crownies were $4 each. Nice!
Sunday at Lidsdale (3 laps):
Christine and Gaz turning up (erm, late - 9 o'clock to ride!
), getting out of the car arguing like a married couple about driving, directions, anything. I certainly know who was in control of that situation. Sorry Gaz!!
As the photo will attest ( ), we almost had a major freeway pile-up on a wooden pallet ramp where some of the palings came loose and almost speared the trailing riders. Look how close Gaz came to copping this paling on his approach! Caro could also have easily done some damage too. Until one of the ramp sections was destroyed, it was actually a fun obstacle to ride over. But they don't make 'em like they used to.
We didn't spend the whole time actually riding. However the Sunday ride at Lidsdale was from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A massive ride in anyone's language. I don't know about you others, but I am not looking forward to waking up on Monday.
The feed at the Shell Roadhouse after our Sunday ride was sensational, just what we all needed to recoup some lost energy from a long day's riding. It's not often you see the ladies scoffing themselves like ravenous animals.
I hope you all enjoyed the day out. We will be sure to do this ride again. And we will try to get some more of you out to Donnybrook next time too. That place is cool. There are some photos and video of that. Coming soon Caro?
See you all again soon!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended on the weekend, great company & lots of fun was had both Saturday & Sunday.
Also wanted to say a big thanks Flynny for the tour around Lisdale on Sunday morning.
Thats a very good description Liam, going to be laughing about the Saturday arvo incidents(ours & Carolins) for some time to come.
My only suggestion for weekends like this is we need to have more of them
Nice photos too Rob, have you considered a career change, possibly in photography.
Thanks to all for a top day.
next time.
This track is a must do again.
Hopefully I won't snap my rear hanger
Suggestion for next day trip BBQ gear and maybe a beer or two.
Hi there!
Thanks everybody for this awesome weekend! I had such a good time and so many laughs (not only about myself!), loved it!
Liam, thanks so much for organising the ride on Saturday night! The downhill was absolutley great and I wouldn't mind going back there at all! (We still have to find the single track Craig was talking about!!
. Also coming back up the fire trail in the dark was amazing! Who needs lights to ride when you've got an almost full moon??! You should give it a go Rob & Co!
Also thanks for summarising the weekend so perfectly and making me lol!
Christine, was great to finally meet you!!! Had good fun doing our girly lap with Robs lovely girlfriend (please advise how to spell her name Rob)! Look forward to ride again with you soon.
Will post pictures tonight. Can I post the little video clips on here as well Rob? Otherwise I will pm people to get their e-mail addresses!
Oops, back to work now!
Ah... well... we've experimented a bit with video but there's no real way for you to upload it, soooooo...
Pls dump it on YouTube and post some links to there instead.
I had a fantastic day out and totally enjoyed myself, thank you all. It was excellent to finally meet you Carolin! Can't believe it took so long... And nice to meet you too Leigh. Liam surpassed himself as an exceptional lurker following us girls along on the first lap as we were gossiping...or sorry, exchanging information!
Lunch/dinner was great too but I agree with Evan, next time we take supplies along with us...
And, honestly, I don't know why Gary got the directions wrong, all he had to do was read two lines of the computer print out instead of one at a time!!!
I think we should go again as it's such a pretty ride Sturat, Ben adn Tien would all love it I am sure.
glad you all liked the ride.
I had fun. There was plenty of laughs and good company. That's what it is all about.
Catch you all next time you are up this way.
You can find a short clip of Caro's video handywork here:
You called the "big rut straight down to a barbwire fence" perfectly. Bruce and myself both stacked it there. Me twice. Funny, but embarrassing. But it was dark at the time. So that is the excuse that I am going with anyway.
Caro says there should be more vids and stills to come.
Some more Donnybrook drop-offs / roll-offs:
Thanks Caro!
Some more Donnybrook drop-offs / roll-offs:
Cheers again to our cameraman (erm, camera-woman!), Caro.
Here is some more jumping action from the more daring.
You might not think it, but this jump is a touch more difficult than this view suggests. It is a "double" with a hole in the middle of it, so enough speed must be attained to clear all the way to the landing. About 4 feet - good speed is a must on a very tight and narrow approach!
(good speed, but almost runs into the tree on the left - as Ev deftly points out)
(nice balanced form with smooth landing - but also gets a bit of sideways action on the exit)
(good speed with decent air time)
BTW, all the videos are going up on YouTube with a NobMob tag on them. Hopefully this will make them more easily found.
Enjoy - & cheers to Caro for the pictures!
Nice work Caro and Ditty, I really need to get you guys back up and show you the rest of the DonnyBrook, Honestlythe Single Track out past the tower is sweet as.
Heres a bit of our stuff for you.
It takes in the run down through the first saddle on the DonnyBrook (before climbing up to the single track). We then took the right down the Strathlone track.
Also some Lidsdale footage
And a whole heap more
Thanks mate, I would be delighted to get shown around some of the downhill tracks from those first two vids. They look sensational. It was a pity we did not see them on the Saturday. But I will store those rides away for later
Everyone in those videos seems to have enjoyed their run around Lisdale XC track as much as we did. We had a great day. It was interesting to note that the puddle never dries up. Not sure if walking around it would be acceptable in a competition though!
Loved the downhill track. Shame we missed the single track part but a good reason to come back! The videos look nice, am looking forward to next time!
1 nail gun. Some better quality wood. and some gut busting...
Door jump was completely stripped down and rebuilt. table is now 2 meters longer.
Also added a floater on Hit and Miss
Trail fairies have been busy elsewhere too
The table top jump (1st one in the vid) looks awesome. Was that the one that Caro busted up when we were at Lisdale? (here - Sorry Caro, the damage on that could not possibly have been me! Man, I bet that jump doesn't get old in a hurry!!
We have got to get back there for some more action. But looking at the calendar, we are currently bursting at the seams for these out of town rides over the next 4 to 6 weeks. I'll give some more thought to something after that time then.