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Easter Social Ride
Friday, 6 April, 2007 - 08:30 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest Details:
Ok ok! So the changes to the site are challenging to...MEEE!!
However, this is a beginners/lurkers/newbie social ride - I did manage the original link though!!!
Bring water and food and a sense of humour!
Who's in?
No confirmations as yet.
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may be wrong, yeah? I don't mind night rides but starting one at 12 past 2 in the am, what the?
Rob did just mention that...give me another half hour to fix it!
I was ready for the 2:12am start
Cool, I will make it to this ride too.
But anyway, since it's Good Friday and way to early in the morning to drink beer I was thinking we could all take a hot cross bun on the ride instead!
Very pleased with that!
We are new in town, would like to join, just tell us when (and 'if'...)
In Christines original post is the time. The orange words (they maybe grey if you have been there before) are links to other places on this site that give exact locations and also links to directions (thanks again Rob for all the great work)
If you still can't find it then give one of us a call.
Never been along for a ride before. Keen to come along if this is still on.
Hi new to the site and haven't been on any posted rides - is there a limit to how many tag along?
whom ever shows up and is READY TO RIDE by the posted time is more than welcome to join us, assuming your not an axe murderer.
If you want to join us then just make sure you put up a post, pm or sms letting someone know, that way we are more likely to wait if you're running a little late.
Looking forward to this one, should be a nice ride.
FRI 6, 8:30 AM
we'll be there (Doron - M & Orly -F)
Looking forward to it after the newbie ride I did there yesterday. It's amazing how much easier it is to ride when you can see!!
Hot cross buns, hhhmmm and maybe some of those little solid chocolate eggs....
I'll leave the axe at home and will be ready to ride at 08.30
Hey I'm a real newbie and have just signed up! Would like to come along on Easter Fri so hoping you're all a nice friendly bunch and don't mind if you're axe murderers!!
Andy - no worries. Christine has set up a good ride here, should be fun. I think you will find this crowd an interesting bunch. With a couple of axe murderer's thrown in. And maybe some lurkers.
I'm new to this site also and wouldn't mind coming along on Friday.
hi all, ill be there aswell. beer + hotcross buns? might also have another newbie to join in.
That so many of you have come out of the woodwork!
I don't have a computer at home so if you can't make it please can you either post tonight (Liam...will you check?!) or text Stuart, Liam or myself so we don't wait?
Don't forget to bring your hot cross buns, easter eggs and water...
Should be a fun ride!
btw...who said we were friendly?!!
I'll look after the crew if they are running late. So anyone is welcome to call me on 0438 885 410 if that's you!
Thank you though...
Hey, I just heard the weather report and thought i would just say... I will be riding unless it's torrential rain...also sometimes it's raining down our way and not at Terrey Hills...
What more can I say but cya there.
Maybe one more thing, very weather dependent.
This sounds like my sort of ride - not too strenuous. I'll join you if it's not raining. If I chicken out due to the weather I'll send an SMS.
If its raining we might not come (Doron & Orly)
hope it will be OK
Weather looks ok I will be riding there so if im not there on time dont wait I will see you on the trail
Aaaaahhhh, the incredible fun that is bike maintenance. But it had to be done. My bike was squeaking and scratching in places I never thought possible. My feeling is that it will be for nothing, as I am riding at Mooney Mooney tomorrow. Another wet and wild one. But the return downhill trip is pretty close to as good as it gets.
Was great so many people came out despite the weather and stuck around for a chat afterwards over a coffee.
Special mention to Stuart for lowering the tone by managing to misconstrue an offer of easter eggs for an offer to use 'other' kinds of eggs a chick might possess; and for suggesting that the girls could use some jelly to go with their mud!! Thanks Stuart.
Happy Easter everyone!
Hey Tanya, you do know, Stuart has a well earnt reputation to uphold and he does it so well!!...
I am quite sure, had he thought of it the suggestion of a wet t-shirt competition would have been made – especially with four girls on the ride!
I had a ball on the ride thank you everyone, and whilst I did think lots of you were a bit grouchy about riding in the rain I now know that it totally ruins your brakes...however! I think the fun in the wet was worth it! Plus I am totally in love with The Borrowed Bike which sadly has been returned to it’s rightful owner – with new back brakes
The fall of the day for gore has to go to Pratiwi who had lots of blood down her leg but the funny fall has to go to my sister who in a panic thought she was going to crash into Peter and ended up face first in one of the rather large puddles!!
So nice to see lots of newbies/lurkers who we hope will come riding with us again...and yes, it was a very welcome coffee afterwards.
Thank you Sturt for not only lending me your pedals but for also not letting me go home with yours and leaving the cleats behind!!
whilst people were waiting.
Yes the wet T-shirt comment did come up but the general consensus was that I would win so most of "the Roid Boys" headed off, slightly dispondant.
As for turning you down Tanya, I simply turned down the offer of chocolate, remember I am in training for Coffs, it was all those other dirty minded people that assumed the other, it appears my reputation proceeds me. I must however plead guilty for the jello comment, just in jest of course.