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Make sure you can come !! Council Meeting 29th June 7:30pm

Ok there will be a very important council meeting on the 29th of June. This will be the one where the council's report on alternate downhill track sites is discussed.
What will be very important is that we get as many mountain bikers there that evening as possible. We need to show numbers and be a presence. The last meeting with 9 of us there we were a joke.
So pencil in that Tuesday evening to be a free and to come along and just be a presence. Please tell everyone else you know to come along as well. Council Meetings are held from 7:30pm in the Council Chambers, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba.
There will also be some letter writing before then so please be ready pick up your pencils for that as well.
I will put this up on rotorburn as well and will be a real nag about this.
So please spread the word around as well... no excuses for not being there if you ride a mountain bike in the mountains... or if you have an excuse it really better be good and entertaining.
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I will be having a sickie for this, cough cough, lets get behind it boys and girls, get the upper hand this time!
hey guys. sorry i couldnt make it to the previous meeting but ill be there for sure and will drag as many others as possible.
I couldn't make it to the last one, due to work, but this one I'll be at fore sure!
I'll be taking the arvo off so that I can get back in time to head up to the meeting in Katoomba.
See you there!
The numbers are rolling in now don't forget to wear your cycling Jersey to hight light the group
Will do. I've got a few to choose from - most are nice and bright too!
Any chance of any cheap BMORC T's being made quickly?
Not 100% on shirts or availability. I did not know we had a logo yet, better not to rush things, I am going to stick with an individual cycling attire, don't want to come across like were a an army
Good point re: the Army thing. Don't want to make them feel that we're being confrontational.
Guess I'll pull out my nice & bright Royal Jersey
I don't have cycling attire, so going to the local photo developing place and getting a t-shirt made up.. costs $30 and takes 24hrs... I was just going to use an image based on what the first run stickers were with abit of green... I like green.
Proper t-shirts can come in the future...
I like the look of that image. For the moment though I'll probably just wear a cycling shirt, as I don't think I'll have the time ti get anything made up.
I don't have a jersey either, and I'm not turning up in knicks
. I'll see what I can come up with. Failing that, I'll just sit/stand in the middle of the group...
I will bring a few cycling jackets up so we can look the part dont wear knicks please do not wear knicks i am at the dinner table in absolute stiches lol
Most meetings i've been to its pretty easy to pick the cyclists.
You get similar groups
-Grey haired Fearful Freadies who suck up and believe all the BS hype that some of the greenies spin. Many of then have been wheeled in from nursing homes where they listen to Ray Hadley and Alan Jones whinge and bitch all day about the youth of today (which is total BS but their listeners like it).
-Self appointed experts of environmental risk assessment. They generally have a beard, glasses, collared shirt and point to photos of water eroded fire trails and say "Mountain bikers did this" often. Challenged without a podium and an audience, they fall in a heap of heaving frustration and fail to be able to make the brain operate the mouth in an articulate fashion. This is a clear indication that maybe they have got it wrong.
-About 1-2 mums who if provoked will fire up that these people are out of touch with the needs of the day.
-Lots of fit males and some females in the mix who are THE CYCLISTS.
-One or two hippy looking people who won-'t eat meat and generally don't contribute much to society at all, but they feel good about their dreadlocks and their ideals, their odour and their 12 volt lighting at home (Nimbin). Pitty we have to dig all these minerals out of the ground and ship them to China to pay (the dole) for their sad existence.
Make sure you check out the buses out the front that the grey army gets carted in on. They don't work so they have all day to network with Lions Club, green activist groups, writing letters to members and generally whinge and bitch all day about the youth of today.
Ken the mountain goat has you covered.....
LOL LOL pure gold!
"big words, big hills , big statements ..... scaring all sorts of fauna really .. but in a good way"
I'm just picturing that now: "Come on councillors, but it's in a GOOD way..."