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Work to do

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 27 June 2010

Did a lazy lap around Manly Dam very late this arvo.

The good news is the bike commuting to Sydney Olympic Park from the Northern Beaches is starting to pay off well with fitness gains.
The climb up Hart Break Hill, while still a test, didn't max out the ticker. Now I'm looking for speed and power gains. Smiling

The bad news is I have a LOT of work ot do on core strength. Before starting the ride I did a few simple core exercises, as I noticed the pelvic discomfort starting to return standing around yakking after church this morning. By the time I got to part way through Golf Course Single Track after starting at Allambie Heights school, my bike control was shot. A number of obstacles I normally ride no probs, I came into way off line and couldn't manhandle the bike where it needed to go, so elected to walk them so I could finish before it got too dark. Sad

Might need to make an appointment to go see Martin Krause at North Sydney and get myself assessed again.

I want to be right for the Big Foot in September.

Rob's picture

... it's killing everyone's fitness! Sad

Bring on a week of sunshine (well - that's the forecast anyhow).

Brian's picture

I was thinking a night ride this week at Cascades but check out those temps. Maybe time to test the BaaBaa out Eye-wink

hawkeye's picture

... except I'm on afternoon shift for the next 6 weeks and don't finish until 7pm. Sad

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