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Marramarra - the grand expedition
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Bloodwood Road, Fiddletown - (will get a map reference shortly)
Hi all,
Some people are interested in getting back out to the Marramarra National Park. Me? I will be a first timer.
By the sound of the trail review (thanks Rob!) this will be an interesting ride that contains all the hallmarks of a fantastic single trail ride. Uphill, downhill, single trail, some fire trail, rocky bits, excellent exploration, and a lot of fun! Come along and join in the good times.
Trail review is here:
Google Map is here:
An earlier discussion of this proposed ride is here:
(please post to the calendar topic now, not the old thread)
I'll get better meeting point address shortly, but for the moment, just know that this trail in about 20-30 min drive N/W of Hornsby.
If there are any drama's on the day, call me. Remember, lurkers are people too!
0438 885 410.
Were you there and have a story to tell?
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but will need directions - bearing in mind Gazza is sacked!! hee hee
I have received a sobby, pleading request from a regular to move this ride from Saturday 28th to Sunday 29th. Seeing you both have provided the most interest in the date specified (Rob, you called the date in fact), would you mind? It might make the group bigger on the day. No biggie if you had made preparations already. I am happy to keep the date as is, as you guys got in first. Let me know when you can. Cheers!
Sure... I can do 29th also if you like.
It's probably not wise to have too large a group here. Mind you, we could always split in two if that happened.
Oooowww, just had my arm twisted for this one. Count me in.
I am fairly sure I have to go to a book launch for a friend - who wrote the book - but will see if I can get out of it...
Otherwise, have a great time!
I live in Galston. For those who do not know how to get to the trail head, meet me 45 mins before hand 7:45 in the parking lot in front of the bottle shop at the main roundabout in the village and we can drive out to the trail head in convoy. Metallic Nissan Xtrail and yellow bike!!
Note to brain - the day has been moved to SUNDAY 29th.
Christine, I hope you can still make it. You know I will miss your gossip comments on a longer ride like this. It is your forte after all.
You wont be getting too may comments from me as I haven't been out on the bike much as i am stuck in England working and with an English cold! doh! I even brought all my bike kit over and i was so pumped to do some trails in wales!
See you on then
Hey Andrew,
Sounds like you WOULD BE enjoying your time there, if you weren't sick. Too bad matey. Hope you are on the improve.
But you think the weather is bad over there? You should see the amount of rain we had over the last week. The trails were a right mess, as all our posting - and photos - show quite clearly. Definitely no good for one's bike. Don't know how the Brits put up with it.
This sounds great, see you out there.
sounds like a great ride!
Am looking forward to the downhill and the exploration bits !
Can we explore the aprés lunch options too ??
The after ride lunch sounds like an awesome option. Just what we will need : )
I'll be keen for this one looks like an excellent ride!
hi there
could you please tell me what routes you are planning to ride?
Will probably be there now...well, Mildred will! George may be with his wife.
I had yet another blonde attack and got the weekends mixed up for the book launch!
I will be one of the ones meeting at the bottle shop – I take it this is at Galston shops yes?
I drive a green commodore ute...
Sounds like a fun day...especially if it incudes lunch!
This one is nice (38Km, 1000m vertical):
Shall we?
You know that I am not very good with these graphs, all I can see is that this time we'll finish with a climb instead of a decend which is unfortunate but I guess nothing is perfect! Looks good to me (1000m less vertical than yesterday, fabulous!)
P.S. thanks for posting all the GNR pics! All these new tracks! It was good fun indeed.
Seems fine to me. Only 35km. Rob, are you sure you can hack this one?
As long as we fit in some of those single tracks that are posted in the trail review, I am not fussed about the proposed route.
Looks like an awesome day is ahead. If we can just get rid of this rain!!!
trail review looks great, see you all there on sunday.
And a few of the Shut up and Ride boys too. Though I'm a bit crook at the moment so might not make it or be 100%.
Hey guys, I rode with you first time on the Easter social at T Hills and am keen to get another one in. I live in Manly so can anybody give me an idea of how long the drive will be? Should I allow more than an hour to get there?
... erm, Andy.
If you fill in the 'Directions Starting Address' in your profile (it's under the 'Who you are' tab) then visit the Marramarra NP write up there should be a link with a Google map and also a directions link. Durh... in fact - there should be a link on this page in the main post too!
FWIW, if I ask it the way from Manly, it suggests via Frenchs Forest, pick up the Pacific Highway, and North on that then through Galston George. 1h27m is the estimate given.
Note, because of the lack of road coverage at the destination (although they are sealed) you need to add on 10 mins or so to go a bit further south on Bloodwood Rd.
once you hit Galston shops there will be people meeting there - see, it's further up on the posts...
It takes me 40mins from Oxford Falls to get there so I would allow over an hour from Manly - I used to work in Galston and found the fastest way is down Mona Vale Road, right at the Plants Direct and the back way to Hornsby...through the Gorge (yeay, fun!) and then up to the shops...
You can probably follow us if you like...
Ourimbah? Marramarra? Ourimbah? Marramarra? Ourimbah? Marramarra? Ourimbah? Marramarra?
Damn, I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
Have I missed something? Ourimbah on Sat, Marramarra on Sun
Oh yeah!!
So I'll be at Galston shops 6.45am
See ya'll there
Sorry Rob for the confusion, I'm supposed to be racing at Ourimbah on Sunday, but after my 1st NoBMoB ride yesterday I'm keen for another, and would like to do the Marramarra ride.
Too many rides - never enough weekends.
John Evans.
You said it!
This will be my first ride out with you Guy's.
Looking forward to it.
This ride is coming together nicely. Looks like most of us are present and accounted for. But there are still some conspicuous regulars lurking...
And... we are finally getting some periods of sunshine leading up to Sunday. 'Bout time! Should leave us some ideal conditions for riding. I am looking forward to this ride more than most.
Not sure if I'm "conspicuous" or "regular" but I'm still lurking on this one... =;o)
I'm dead keen, but gotta see if I can get a day pass!
Will confirm Saturday...
Count me in
for the tip Rob although google maps is very tempremental! Christine I'll aim to meet you guys in Galston at 7:45. I have a black Golden Eagle jeep and will fly in through the gorge
See you then!
Count me in.
Sounds like a good turnout - I'll meet you at Galston 7.45am.
I won't be able to come on Sunday - I have the worst blocked nose and cold and doubt I could keep up...I also want to get well asap as I am off on a progressive horse camping trip from next weekend for a week - out in the middle of no-where - cant wait!
I hope you all have a fabulous day and great lunch - not happy at all to miss out...
Looking forward to riding this trail!
C you guys out there!
Going for the second ride with nobmob. This one seems sweet.
Is the meeting point the same as in the map provided in the rides area?
Hi guys,
Lurking for awhile..
Been meaning to go ride with you guys for ages.
Am keen to ride on Sunday. Is anyone driving from Manly way? Do ya have room for an extra bod & bike?
I can provide roof rack if that helps! I just don't have the wheels on Sunday.
I would really appreciate a lift.
Give me a call on my mobile.
Gee, dude... the my car is full (4 bikes, 4 riders). Looks like you might be out of luck on this one. Sorry
And I go straight up Mona Vale Rd. So if you can get to the intersection of Mona Vale and any adjoining road I can pick you up- no racks needed. I'd offer to pick you up at Manly, but I'll be strugling to make it by this early time as it his.
I'm driving from Manly tomorrow morning so if you get in touch with me beforehand I can give you a lift. I probably won't be on this site again before I go so buzz my mobile 0415 564639.
I'm there like a bear and will be riding my first dualie with discs...
Team Lefty has increased its numbers!
Slow, slow slow... but either way, here it is:
Bloody hell! 3 hours of standing around!
Pictures will appear shortly one hopes.Pictures are here.
Here is my MB for the trip...similar...but slower
Great ride guys thanks for the tour will be happy to head out there some time in the coming month again.
Look forward to the pics.
Thanks to Liam for organising a great ride, wow what a turn out.
Really enjoyed today, hope to get back there soon!
Hi there!
Thanks everybody for the great company and thanks Liam for organising a great ride!
I had a lots of fun and really liked the tracks especially smugglers (apart from the first climb/walk out, holy....)
I think we set a new record on technicals, -countless flats, one broken spoke, one cracked deralieur, 2 broken chains, anything else?- Paul I hope your bike is not going to be a single speed for long!
I can't tell you how much fun riding in the middle ring and 3rd bottom is (not). It makes a slight incline feel like Alp d'Huez - my thighs are so sore this morning I'm swearing off single speeds for life.
Thanks for those who stopped and helped, it was appreciated.
I'm sorry I missed Smugglers, the photo's indicate there was carange galore.
Despite the grinding speed and technical nature of the track, it was an interesting experience that we will try again sometime. But for me, not within the next month. Everyone's agenda appears to be pretty busy.
That one was a total ride distance 36.5km in 6 hours (including the stops). 6km/h instead of the normal 10. Although a fun ride, we can do better.
Happy trails.
(Rob, I owe you petrol money!)
Thanks all for the ride on Sunday. A great day in the saddle. My first ride with the NoBMoB possee and hopefully the first of many !
Still can't believe they smuggled stuff down that goat track !
Roll on.