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Canberra June Long Weekend At Last!!

At long long last Bernd, Dave and I have finally agreed on a weekend the three of us can get down to Canberra, yep you guessed it, the June long weekend, (8th, 9th, 10th &11th, the actual public holiday for those of you without a calendar) Sorry I know this may not be good for some but short of the Dirtworks weekend, which I knew would not be good for most, this was the earliest we could all do it. It also fits in nicely between Dirtworks and Coffs Harbour
So what's planned. At the moment we're going down Friday morning, coming back Monday arvo, not too late though as it is also openning weekend of the ski season so traffic will be a b$%#h.
Our thoughts at the moment are
- Friday arvo (day off work) at Stromlow. At the moment only the xc is open and I figure with it still being so new the weekend will get very busy.
- Saturday, all day, at Sparrow Hill. Probably 9.30am start so anyone coming from Sydney will have time to join us. Spend the morning exploring, getting familiar, BBQ lunch (well atleast cold sausage sanga's) play in the arvo or roid boys can hit out another lap or two. Lots to do here and can be done in segments so a day probably won't be long enough.
- Sunday, late start at Majura Pines. Never been so don't know what will be on the cards but again possible a full day.
- Monday, the actual public holiday) head home, early but not too early. Ride at Kowen (I think thats right) on the way home. Again leave early to beat the traffic.
- How could NobMob go that far and not fit in a night ride. This one we'll leave open. I think probably Sunday would be the best bet, too long a day Saturday particularly for those heading down from Sydney and I think Friday would be no good as I don't think any of us know the trails well enough to be night riding them, remember its easy to get lost in pine forests, strangely enough everything looks the same.
Accommodation - sorry but at the moment its still very much up in the air, still not sure if the town house is available or even if we can squeeze in more people than there are beds. As it is I think we already have more people committed than it will sleep, we really should check with each other before talking to others.
So what do you think?
Have put this up as a tentative at the moment as we are open to ride suggestions, sorry but this date is a definite ( happy to go again with anyone that can't make this one) Once we have a good consensus on ride locations I will post individual rides for each so that people can come and go as they please, who knows we may have some CORC "lurkers" happy to show us around.
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Sounds like great fun plus the added bonus of a night could I refuse!!
I suspect Gazza will be there too...
that is if he isn't away with his wife...
Sweet as!! I'm there
Erm... and Pratiwi might even come too
Should definitely be for this one.
Count me in. Like most others, I have been waiting for a ride out there for a long time. The trail review photo's look excellent too.
Not sure about the night ride thing. If you get lost out there, you may end up with a Blair Witch scenario on your hands.
Also, I would be happy to stay with you guys, or whatever alternative we can manage. The more of us together, the merrier. I guess we can discuss that aspect more.
Love your work Stuart!
Excellent, this is a must for me
Can't wait!
Sounds like a great weekend to me
Sounds awesome. Going to see if I can get the girlfriend along as well.
Sorry all don't mean Kowen on Monday, that one is actually still in Canberra / Queenbeyan. Might be able to squeeze that one in Sunday if Majura isn't big enough for a full day. I was actually thinking of Penrose State Forest on the way home, half way between Sydney and Canberra and the home to Vaude Highland Fling, sure someone here will be able to show us around (if not I have a map courtesy of Feb/March 06 AMB)
For maps on the other locations have a look here As you would guess, this CORCS race calendar but also has links to all the trails they use. From memory their home page also has a link to Mt Stromlow home page, this might be a good night ride location, ain't no trees there anymore so we should be able to find our way home.
Have fun this weekend all
I think some of you might have noticed I wanted to go to Canberra. I've been to Majura before I think you can spend plenty of hours there if you start at the top of the hill and ride down and then up again. The trails just wind in and out of the trees, there is pretty much a limitless number of ways you can match them all up. It's a bunch of windy single tracks in between the trees with a few fire trails connecting them all. Lots of fun. I don't know what Sparrow Hill and Stromlo are like but Majura would probably be fun at night! Stromlo pretty much has no trees at all and is just bare mountain with the trails on the side of it.
I'm keen but still negotiating with the misses, wish me luck!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's Friday the 13.......
seeya there...
Im there for sure, now got to talk Mel around
Hi all,
Seeing that I am easily confused, I thought I would post what I had to look up. Make sure you remember that it is Monday 11 June that is the public holiday, not the Friday.
FYI, I will only be able to drive down (or bludge a lift) on the Friday evening 8th June at the earliest.
I have updated the original post adding the 11th, Monday, and noting that it is the actual public holiday and that Friday is a day to take off work.
Top work Stuart, thanks for that. It will make ppl's planning a bit easier.
sounds to good to miss, see ya there.
Can all those that have expressed interest in this road trip PM me with your e-mail address so that I can get a group e-mail going to discuss accom etc off line.
Its with a little apprehension and alot of excitement that I have to say the group accommodation option is now closed. We have reached, and possibly passed our limit, so unless you have already spoken directly to Stuart or Bernd then "please don't ask as refusal often offends."
This of course does not mean you can't join us in Canberra for what is shaping up to be a very cold but unreal trip. It just means you need to find another option for somewhere to sleep.
Good variety of skill and fitness levels will attend. Some are down for Friday and Saturday only, some Saturday and Sunday only, and then there's the lucky ones that are there for the 4 days.
Bring it on.
I havent read your entire itinery, but,
I went there this weekend with a few mates,
sat morning was Sparrow hill, lunch sat arvo Majura pines.
beer, dinner, beer, sleep
sunday late morning was Mt srtomlo
It's well worth the trip.
We ended up doing shuttle runs down the XC track which is almost 10km of DH fast madness.
if you can get a van its alot of fun doing this way and ypu dont have to ride UP the mountain.
Dreggsy has a point about the going down the xc at Stromlo, it is very easy to shuttle as there is a sealed road right to the top, and it is an awesome downhill for a xc course. I spoke to Glenn Jacobs and he told me he actually designed it with downhillers in mind.
However, don't discount the climb up! ( Not that you guys would). It's tight bermed switchbacks all the way to the top. One after the other, left, right, left, right, you are actually railing berms as you climb! Before you know it you're at the summit and you've hardly even raised a sweat.
Save the shuttles for some extra fun after you've ridden the track proper, you won't be disappointed.
Hey Stuart,
I'm still trying to convince the better half that Canberra Rocks! and would make a good weekend, hence I haven't made any plans re accommodation... Where abouts are you guys staying just so I can try and organise something if I get the go ahead?