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Worlds Champs solo 24 Hour 2010

Supagav's picture

By Supagav - Posted on 29 July 2010

Saturday, 9 October, 2010 - 12:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

24 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Stromlo Forest Park
Meeting Point: 

Uriarra Road, just up from the Uriarra Road/Coppins Crossing Road turnoff.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Adrenalin World Solo 24 Hour Mountain Bike Championships.

Tick the star if you are racing/supporting a rider doing this crazy race.....

Who's in?
Whisperer, GAZZA, Carlgroover, Supagav, jdb, shortcut72, shrek, ps (8 riders)
Whisperer GAZZA Carlgroover Supagav jdb shortcut72 shrek ps
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Laps Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
Carlgroover Team Groover @ the Worlds Finished 19 24:48:34 49 45 49 Men 4
Whisperer World Solo 24 Campionships - Pit Crew Report Did not start

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
ar_junkie's picture

I hope you have a smooth and error free race and that the mechanical/sleep/cramp monsters stay clear of you... Eye-wink

All the best and I look forward to hearing about it (and seeing pics) post race.

Good luck!

LadyToast's picture

Good luck to all the loonies down there.

Twitter updates here:

Live online results here:

hawkeye's picture

... (nicely put, my friend).

Hope y'all have a blast. Laughing out loud

Rob's picture

For those interested on watching how our pals are doing... (results after around 5 11 21hours finish - sorry if I missed anyone):

V (Vanina Vergoz), currently 11th 7th 22nd 23rd in Elite Women (254 overall):

jdb (Jay Bailey), doing it tough after 3 months on holiday probably has a beer in his hand started again Eye-wink Currently 30th 37th in 30-34 Men (350 overall):

Dreggsy (Dr Eggs aka. Jason Dreggs), currently 8th 6th 13th 26th in 35-39 Men (204 overall):

Gazza (Gary Harwood), currently 17th 12th 11th 15th in 40-44 Men (90 overall):

Lord Carlgroover (John Evans), currently 11th 5th 3rd 4th in 45-49 Men (49 overall):

hawkeye's picture

Men's 4's and 35-39 solo as I have a colleague in each of those classifications.

In the latter, it looks like Adrian Booth has hit a wall from lap 5. Has gone from the lead and laps of around an hour, to an hour thirty, hour forty and dropping back quite quickly. He must be in quite an uncomfortale place. Sad

My colleague Arran has elected for more of a slow burn and is gradually picking up a place or two most laps.

Logan's picture

V is up to 7th now

jdb is 35th now

Dreggsy up to 6th

Gazza up to 16th

Lord Carlgroover up to 8th

Yeah just seen that as well hawkeye, looks like he is in the hurtbox pretty badly.

LadyToast's picture

Carlgroover in third!! True to his reputation he does not stop, consistant laptimes all night.
Shuan Taylor only 6 mins behind though, keep it going John!!

Gazza back into tenth.

V dropped a bit in 18th.

Dr eggs in 10th

Jdb in 37th with only five laps ( perhaps stopped?)

These are world times - makes you proud Smiling

Jason English has a comfortable lead in front and is setting consistent very fast laps at just over the hour each.

Dicko's picture

24 laps
432 km
24 hrs 48 mins

How does he do it ? When does this man sleep ?

LadyToast's picture

Just as impressive, these guys are doing something like 7000m ascent

chica's picture

we watched the presentation (we had 2 girls teams that came in 2nd in the teams!) and you wouldn't think the guy had been on the bike for 24hrs. Jason looked fresh as compared to us team riders who were ready to crash. Hats off to these guys and gals that sign up for these solo 24hr events - it is a super human effort. well done

philberesford's picture

24 laps avg 1hr(ish) each in 24hrs!!!

I read somewhere that he fuels himself on cold pizza in these events. Glad to hear that strategy works for someone.

ps's picture

@phil, their pit was down the end of our row and I didn't see any pizza. His wife is extremely organised with the food and cooks a variety of things for him including a pancake for breakfast. She did an interview where she did say that he was allowed to have some pizza during the race so there is some truth to the story. Its pretty important to have some variety in the food and be able to hand out some treats like pizza, pancakes etc otherwise they stop eating.

btw I had warm pizza before doing my double lap night stint and it worked ok for me so keep eating what works for you. We also got a very good response from my brother when we fed him some pizza around two or three in the morning, made his 12th or 13th lap in a row faster than my 2nd.

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