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Unknown Track at Ingleside?
Hey Guys,
I've been doing some desktop exploring & came across this firetrail in Google Earth that doesn't appear to be listed on the site.
It appears to be a simple out & back firetrail about 2km long through some National Park, that follows the ridgeline to a point overlooking Deep Creek.
Has anybody ever ridden this trail, that can provide some info about whether its any fun?
It looks like it probably runs mostly downhill, so the return ride might be bit of a granny-gear slog.
It'd be great if the southern end was linked up to Deep Creek/Oxford Falls, but I imagine that as its within National Park that it'd be narrow single track - hike-a-bike only.
Also, I can see on Google Earth that it might be possible to link up the start of the northern end to Duck Holes track? There seems to be a link from the Duck Holes track to Mona Vale Rd (near the entrance to Kimbriki Tip) then along the powerlines access track that runs parallel to Mona Vale Rd to Tumburra Rd, near where this mystery track begins on the opposite side of Mona Vale Road. Anybody ever tried to ride this bit, either?
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I've ridden it once, and it obviously was a popular DH track once upon a time. There was an illegal and then overgrown sniggle link down from opposite the Bahai temple, but the main trail is (was? - I was there last summer) also getting overgrown and its a bit hard to tell where the official fire trail ceases and it becomes officially "hike a bike". It does go down onto Deep Ck, but its a bit sketchy at creek level where the track actually goes. And the Deep Ck track is now officially closed, so its a pretty long "hike a bike" all up. Last time I was on Slippery Dip (the fire trail off which the Deep Ck track started), there was a ranger lurking about.
Haven't tried exploring over the other side - I used the Chiltern Track to link up from Duck Holes when I rode that "mystery ridge".
Yeah that track is sometimes known as Bahai. It does have an official name but I can't recall or find it mentioned anywhere at the moment. The start of the firetrail is from the bottom of the hill on Mona Vale Rd west of Bahai temple. (Near Tumburra Rd as you mention and this is what shows clearly on the google map image.)
It is firetrail from Mona Vale Rd to the end of the ridge, and therefore is legal to ride. However there is another section of walking track from the top of the hill closer to the Bahai temple that is marked walking track only and therefore not legal. This joins up with the firetrail after about 100m.
It is a bit of fun to ride, however it is an "out-and-back" ride only so a bit limited in usefulness unless you combine it with some road riding and as a side excursion.
You can walk from the end of the ridge down the hill to Deep Creek, however this is walking track and not firetrail and therefore not legal on your bike. It's also quite wet and 'swampy' at the Deep Creek end. Some nice views down to the lake and across to the beaches from the top of the ridge too.
Re the start of Duck Holes track - the bit that joins Mona Vale Rd. I'm not sure about the legality of this section of Duck Holes trail. It is in National Park and is singletrack so I guess technically illegal.
Yes you can ride from this end of Duck Holes track and follow the powerline access rd running parallel to MV Rd and get to the bottom of the hill. Not much of an enjoyable ride though. It does however get you from Terrey Hills to the start of this "Bahai" firetrail.
It's a pity that none of these tracks meet up . You could create a nice loop from Terrey Hills, Duck Holes, Chiltern, Bahai, Deep Creek, Morgan Rd, Cascades, St Ives showground, Duffys Forest, Perimeter and back to TH. Maybe one day...
Thanks for the comments, I might just have to go ride it one day with my GPS & report back.
@Loki - I was thinking along very similar lines! How awesome would that be.
Ha - I'm going to try & calculate how far that loop would be in km . . .
While Garigal single track is out of bounds, you can still do most of that, with a nice tough road climb thrown in. I'd go in the opposite direction (starting at Terry Hills) - Perimeter Track linking through to Duffy's Forest, across to Sandy Track, Anembo, Larool, along to the Ryland track head, then along the sniggle to St Ives showground, up into the wildflower gardens and out the main entrance, back across Mona Vale Rd to link up with the Quarry Track down into Cascades, up into Belrose and across to Morgan Rd, down Slippery Dip, Gutterball and along the Wakehurst Parkway cycle path to the bottom of Elanora Rd, up Elanora to Powderworks or Ingleside Rd, across Mona Vale Rd again, down Chiltern Rd, the chiltern track and then back to Terry Hills via either Duckholes or Centre tracks.
That would be a fairly epic day and not bad training for a 100km enduro.
Hot lap anyone?
Very tempted to give this a go! I've (surprisingly) got a free day on Saturday too. Need to get some km's under the belt before Angry Doctor...
Do you think the tracks will be dry enough for this? I guess most of it is firetrail so no real issues with track damage - just wear on the bike.
Very roughly drawn on Bikely:
Bikely says 50km. I think by the time you account for non-straight tracks the length could be more like 70km.
I doubt it
I'm jumping aboard the Oaks/Andos/Oaks trainon Sat instead. Should be dry enough there to get some Angry Dr KM's in.
Phil, are you doing this loop?
this weekend - the Prophet needs some work and I'm moving house in the next fortnight, so would struggle for a leave pass for that amount of time anyway. I'll be going into the Mogo 50 a bit underdone, but hopefully on a new bike by then.
Be interested to see how many km's and hours it takes if you do give it a go.
It's been a while since I last did it. Andos has been graded since so should pick up some time. That said it will be my first 100+ since the Husky last month. Will be interesting to see how I go. Looking for a sub 6.5hr ride.
Too wet for those tracks today. Rode DH + C + P + L + some road instead.
Might have a look tomorrow but will probably have to leave this one for another day.
Tried a different oil on the chain today and wan't impressed at all . Noisy and squeaking after ~25km.
Back to the trusted Rock n Roll tomorrow I think.
What was the chain lube you tried today?
Only joking
It's "Finish Line DRY Teflon Lube".
Bought it as a "filler" on a CRC order.
Seems to be good for lubing dérailleurs and cables but horrible for the chain.
I remember now using it previously when I was up the North Coast and it did the same thing - squeaking and grinding in a fairly short time.
I don't think it is 'dry' enough and picks up the sand on our tracks way too easily.
What do you use?
White lightening Clean ride. I find it works well but since I bought the road bike I don't tend to ride when it is too wet. I think I have the Epic Ride but can't remember using it and I also have the Wet Ride which I used on my road bike last weekend but since then have degreased the chain and it now has the Clean Ride on it. I think I got them from T7.